Column: DAKADO, Discover the magic

HANOI – Onder het motto ‘Delivering the promise from seed to mouth’ zijn we er in onze marketing projecten niet alleen op gericht om een product aansprekend te presenteren, maar bovenal om daadwerkelijk te leveren wat in de marketingcomunicatie wordt beloofd.

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Fresh Studio is een consultancy en R&D bedrijf gericht op de agrarische sector. Fresh Studio heeft 4 kantoren, allen in Vietnam (Hanoi, Dalat, HCMC, Can Tho). Sinds 2005 Is Fresh Studio in Vietnam actief in de ontwikkeling van value chains en de marketing van verse groenten, fruit, vis, zuivel, vlees en kruiden en specerijen.

Wat verstaat u onder marketing?
Onder het motto ‘Delivering the promise from seed to mouth’ zijn we er in onze marketing projecten niet alleen op gericht om een product aansprekend te presenteren, maar bovenal om daadwerkelijk te leveren wat in de marketingcomunicatie wordt beloofd. Dit laatste is een grote uitdaging in Vietnam, waar de betrouwbaarheid van versproducten vaak te wensen overlaat. Problemen met voedselveiligheid, onjuiste claims, misleidende communicatie en namaak merken zijn aan de orde van dag. Consumenten zijn zeer bezorgd over de kwaliteit van hun voeding en staan, ondanks hun nieuwsgierigheid voor nieuwe producten, uiterst wantrouwig tegenover marketing en branding.

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Source: Aardappelwereld

Language: Dutch

Publication date: September 2009Also interesting to read:

Successful DAKADO campaigns in HCMC

HCMC – The Fresh Studio team is proud of the fact that this year the DAKADO campaigns were completely managed by the Thu Nhon Company (TNC).

TNC is the company of the Dak Lak avocado wholesaler Ms. Nhon, who was assisted by Fresh Studio in the DAKADO project to professionalise her avocado business. With operations based on a short handbook detailing the organization of a supermarket DAKADO, TNC implemented their avocado promotion in the stores of the Casino group owned supermarket chain Big C.

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DAKADO Campaign in Hanoi

HANOI – After the success of the avocado promotion campaign in HCMC in 2007, Fresh Studio and its project partners expanded the avocado campaign to Hanoi.

In the North, the campaign took place in ten stores of the FIVI-Mart supermarket chain and in the two METRO Cash & Carry stores. This campaign took place in addition to the ongoing DAKADO promotion efforts in METRO Cash & Carry stores and Saigon Co.Op Mart supermarket chain in HCMC.

The campaign in Hanoi was complicated because Dak Lak Province is almost 3 days drive away. To guarantee the quality, the new DAKADO trays were flown in daily between Buon Ma Thuot and Hanoi.

As last year in HCMC, Hanoi consumers reacted very positively to the first ever marketing campaign for a domestic fruit. Both METRO and Fivi-Mart saw their avocado sales increase almost tenfold. Many consumers could not believe that this product was from Vietnamese origin, as they had never seen such a professional presentation for a Vietnamese fruit.

This year’s campaign was a design based on the experiences of last year, and from desires expressed by several consumer focus groups. During focus group sessions, Fresh Studio’s Sigrid Wertheim-Heck and Ha Thi Viet Phuong discussed with representative consumer panels their perceptions of the use of brands for fresh produce in Vietnam.

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