First 2 drain water recycling systems setup in Vietnam showing promising results for water and fertilizer savings.

In September 2024 pilot systems were established to recycle drain water from 2 sweet pepper growers in Vietnam. Both systems have now been running for several months. Based on the data collected during this period we can see that at one location (Thuy Farm) so far 33% water was saved and 36% fertilizer and at the other location (Garden Mountain) 33% water and 35% fertilizer was saved.

Both drain water recycling systems have been running smoothly since commissioned in September 2024, except for a few hitches during the first few weeks. These hitches could fast be resolved by adjusting some settings. That both VitaLite systems can be accessed from the Netherlands by the technical support team from Ridder Group is very convenient to determine the cause of a problem and to find fast the solution.

Both sweet pepper crops are growing very well and both Vien Son and Garden Mountain are very pleased with the crop performance so far. We expect that in the long-term using a system to recycle drain water will enable farmers to enhance their crop performance as they can further optimize the irrigation and fertigation strategy for their crops. To ensure the nutrient application (fertigation) is in line with the plant requirements, every 2 weeks a water and drain water sample is send to the Netherlands for analysis. Within 4 – 5 days after taking the sample, the water analysis results are available, with is quite fast considering the samples need to send to the Netherlands from Vietnam.

Figure 1. Sharing an discussing the results so far buy using the system to recycle drain water with growers.

To share the results of the last couple of months and to introduce the technology to recycle drain water to growers in Vietnam we started to organize field days at both pilot locations. The response from the visiting growers shows they are very interested in the technology to recycle drain water and want to explore how to apply this technology at their own farm.

Figure 2. Inspection of sweet pepper crop of which drain water is collected and recycled.
Figure 3. Growers are inspecting the system to disinfect the drain water (VitaLite) and the fertigation system.

In 2025 we will continue to collect data at both pilot locations and continue to organize field days and training activities. We will also participate at the HortEx fair in HCMC from 12 – 14 March to show the results and meet interested parties.

Based on the current results we are optimistic that we can find more growers in Vietnam to install this technology, making their production more sustainable and profitable.

Figure 4. Group picture with participants of the field day to showcase results of recycling drain water.

The project: “Improving water availability and safety through optimized irrigation and fertilizer application by hydroponic growers in Vietnam” implemented under the Partners for Water program.

Project partners:

Ridder Group
Royal Brinkman
Fresh Studio

Để tìm hiểu thêm các thông tin dự án, vui lòng liên hệ:
Ông René van Rensen
Giám đốc điều hành - Kiêm giám đốc nghiên cứu và phát triển cây trồng

Chương trình Partners for Water được thực hiện bởi Cơ quan bộ kinh tế hỗ trợ phát triển doanh nghiệp của Hà Lan (RVO) thay mặt cho các Bộ: Cơ sở hạ tầng và Quản lý nước Hà Lan, Ngoại giao, Kinh tế và Khí hậu, cùng với Bộ Nông nghiệp, Tự nhiên và Chất lượng Thực phẩm

Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập:


Với sự ra mắt của hệ thống VitaLite từ Ridder Group và các bồn chứa nước từ Royal Brinkman, 2 trang trại tham gia mô hình thí điểm và các đối tác dự án thuộc chương trình “CẢI THIỆN TÍNH KHẢ DỤNG VÀ AN TOÀN CỦA NƯỚC THÔNG QUA VIỆC TỐI ƯU HOÁ TƯỚI TIÊU VÀ BÓN PHÂN BỞI CÁC TRỒNG RAU THỦY CANH TẠI VIỆT NAM” (trong khuôn khổ Chương trình “Partner of Water”) đã thiết lập và vận hành hai hệ thống thu gom và tái chế nước thải. Khi hai địa điểm thí điểm này bắt đầu thu gom và tái chế nước thải, dự án bước sang giai đoạn mới, tập trung vào việc chia sẻ kiến thức liên quan đến tái chế nước thải và thu thập dữ liệu để đo lường hiệu quả đầu tư, hiệu suất sử dụng nước và tiết kiệm phân bón.

Thời gian vừa qua, HollandDoor và Fresh Studio đã tổ chức những ngày thực địa đầu tiên để giới thiệu hệ thống tái chế nước thải đến những nông dân trong khu vực, đồng thời tổ chức nhiều buổi đào tạo về chiến lược tưới tiêu và sử dụng phân bón kết hợp với tái chế nước thải.

Thuy Farm và Garden Mountain tự hào là hai địa điểm thí điểm đầu tiên thực hiện mô thu gom, khử trùng và tái sử dụng nước thải trong canh tác rau thủy canh. Cả hai trang trại đều thừa nhận rằng mặc dù đã mở rộng diện tích và quy mô trồng ớt ngọt trong những năm gần đây, nhưng họ luôn có những lo ngại về chi phí phân bón và khả năng cung cấp đủ nước tưới. Đặc biệt vào cuối mùa khô, khả năng cung cấp nước trở thành một vấn đề ở lớn ở một số khu vực của tỉnh Lâm Đồng. Điều này được thấy rõ bằng hiện trạng các giếng được khoan ngày càng sâu hơn để bơm nước tưới. Thông qua việc tái chế nước thải, cả hai trang trại đều nhận thấy cơ hội tiết kiệm phân bón giúp giảm chi phí sản xuất trong khi đồng thời tăng hiệu quả sử dụng nước.

Hình 1. Nhà kính tại Thuy Farm (trồng ớt ngọt) đã được lắp đặt hoàn chỉnh hệ thống thu gom nước thải.

Thật tuyệt vời khi biết rằng, mặc dù ban đầu dự án hỗ trợ cho mỗi trang trại triển khai hệ thống thug om nước thải cho diện tích khoảng 2.500 m2, nhưng trên thực tế cả hai trang trại đều đã tự đầu tư để mở rộng diện tích thu gom nước thải lên khoảng 10.000 m2. Họ cũng có kế hoạch mở rộng thêm diện tích sử dụng hệ thống thu gom nước thải trong thời gian tới.2 to start collecting drain water, both farms have invested themselves to expand the area to collect drain water to around 10,000 m2 for both locations. They plan to expand the drain water collection area further in the coming period.

Với việc lắp đặt hệ thống thu gom và khử trùng nước thải tại cả hai địa điểm, dự án đã bắt đầu thu thập dữ liệu để đánh giá thời gian thu hồi vốn đầu tư vào hệ thống tái chế nước thải và số liệu cụ thể về lượng nước cùng phân bón có thể tiết kiệm. Những dữ liệu này rất quan trọng, là cơ sở giúp thuyết phục các trang trại khác đầu tư vào hệ thống tái chế nước thải. Việc có hai hệ thống tái chế nước thải hiện đã được lắp đặt và vận hành giúp các nông dân khác có thể tiếp cần thực tế đã góp mô hình sẽ góp phần giúp cho họ nhận thức và hiểu rõ hơn về cách thức hoạt động của hệ thống này sẽ tác động lớn vào việc họ cân nhắc đầu tư vào nó. Sự hào hứng tham gia của nhiều nông dân và các cuộc thảo luận sôi nổi trong những ngày thực địa đầu tiên, tại cả hai địa điểm triển khai mô hình tái chế nước thải, đã chứng minh điều này.

Việc tái chế nước thải sẽ có nhiều tác động đến chiến lược tưới tiêu và bón phân của nông dân. Điều này mở ra khả năng làm việc với tỷ lệ thoát nước cao hơn để tối ưu hóa hiệu suất cây trồng mà không làm tăng chi phí bón phân. Tỷ lệ dinh dưỡng đã dùng và việc giám sát lượng dinh dưỡng có trong nước thải là những điểm quan trọng cần xem xét khi tái chế nước thải. Ông Geerten van der Lugt (HollandDoor) cùng với ông Lò Xuân Dũng (Fresh Studio) đã tổ chức các buổi đào tao cho những nông dân quan tâm đến vấn đề tái chế nước thải về những khía cạnh này.

Để tìm hiểu thêm các thông tin dự án, vui lòng liên hệ:

Ông René van Rensen

  • Giám đốc điều hành - Kiêm giám đốc nghiên cứu và phát triển cây trồng

Chương trình Partners for Water được thực hiện bởi Cơ quan bộ kinh tế hỗ trợ phát triển doanh nghiệp của Hà Lan (RVO) thay mặt cho các Bộ: Cơ sở hạ tầng và Quản lý nước Hà Lan, Ngoại giao, Kinh tế và Khí hậu, cùng với Bộ Nông nghiệp, Tự nhiên và Chất lượng Thực phẩm

Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập:

Dutch ready to provide added agricultural value

The Netherlands and Vietnam are both world players in the export of agricultural products. VIR’s Hanh Tung talks with Simon van der Burg, the Netherlands consul-general in Ho Chi Minh City, on the business opportunities offered by Vietnam’s agriculture and food sector to Dutch firms.

Dutch agriculture is renowned for its high-quality know-how and has a good international reputation concerning food safety and sustainable production. There are examples of Dutch success in Vietnam’s agriculture sector like FrieslandCampina, De Heus, Dalat Hasfarm or Nedcoffee. What are the reasons behind their success?

+ Download and read the complete article


Source: Holland, pioneers in international business

Publication date: June 2014

Related article about Public Private Partnerships (PPP):

Successful agricultural projects show great opportunities for future investments Vietnam is one of the 11 countries in the world which applies the PPP model in agricultural projects on a trial basis …+ Read more

Prime Minister Rutte and Minister Dijksma visiting Vietnam

The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte came for a visit to Vietnam on the 16th  and 17th  June 2014. He was accompanied by Minister for Agriculture Sharon Dijksma and a large Dutch business delegation. A key milestone of the visit was the signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement on agriculture and food security between the Netherlands and Vietnam.

Minister Sharon Dijksma attended the Forum on Horticultural Cooperation and Development together with the Dutch business delegation. During the Forum, Fresh Studio Director of Marketing and Business Development, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, delivered a presentation entitled ‘Supplying the market of Tomorrow’ with insights on Vietnam’s horticulture.

fresh-studio2‘Supplying the market of Tomorrow’
Speaker: Ms. Sigrid Wertheim-Heck
Fresh Studio
Download: English Tiếng Việt

Vietnam is challenged by major climate change issues, dependency on imported horticultural products during off season, concerns about food safety due to agro-chemical residue, micro-nutrition deficiencies, and the low level of technology in horticulture which results in unsustainable development. However, there are opportunities yet to be realized including a very large domestic market (90 million people), diversified climate conditions of production areas, and farmers’ willingness to adapt as long as they have access to technologies, training and finance. Vietnam is already an agriculture powerhouse for a large range of commodities, being in the top 3 of largest exporters in the world for products such as coffee, rice, seafood, cashew nuts, pepper etc. With the Vietnamese entrepreneurial spirit this can also be achieved in horticulture.

A consortium consisting out of Koppert, Rijk Zwaan, BVB Substrates, Svenson, Priva, Yara, Rabobank, Wageningen UR and coordinated by Fresh Studio, have brought their resources together to speed up the ambition of Vietnam to become a key supplier of fresh produce for urban Asia. The consortium will implement an innovative greenhouse development program in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Supported by the Transition Facilty of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the consortium aims to accelerate the adoption of basic climate controlled plastic greenhouses by local farmers. By offering local farmers all knowledge, technologies, financing through local banks, and linkages to the market, an important step is made to make the 30,000 hectare vegetable production in the Central Highlands more productive and more sustainable.


^ Visiting modern supermarkets during the tour organized by Fresh Studio

As part of the visit programme, Fresh Studio coordinated a tour to modern supermarkets and traditional wet markets for the Dutch delegation. The tour provided the delegates with real life experience of Vietnamese urban retail and wholesale channels and an understanding of the retail modernization process.

Zespri® SunGold enters Vietnam: Feel the Power of the Sun

To introduce Zespri® SunGold kiwifruits to potential business customers, Fresh Studio organized two launching events in HCMC and Hanoi. These kick-offs are part of the marketing activities for New Zealand’s kiwifruit season 2014.

Zespri® SunGold is considered the strategic product of New Zealand kiwifruit under the brand name Zespri from this year in Vietnam. It has been developed based on the techniques of natural hybridization between different varieties of kiwifruit. The rich sources of nutrients like Vitamin C, fiber, folate and potassium make Zespri® SunGold a “Super fruit’. 

The launching events occurred on the first two weeks of June – as the start of the Zespri kiwifruit season. It attracted participants from all levels of sales channels ranging from importers, fruit wholesalers, supermarkets, shop owners and press.
The conference provided the participants with information about Zespri company, Zespri® SunGold, nutritional facts, and techniques to preserve and prepare the new variety for retail. The information presented can help business customers become more confident in successfully selling Zespri® SunGold.


^ Zespri® SunGold launching event in HCMC

Since 2009, Fresh Studio has cooperated closely with Zespri International Ltd. in managing the brands and contributed essentially to the thriving growth of kiwifruit consumption in Vietnam. Following the success of Zespri® Green and Zespri® Gold, Zespri® SunGold is on its way to capture the Vietnamese market.

Reaching lower income consumers with safe and healthy food – Mission possible?

Nearly 50% of Hanoi’s urban population lives on 4 USD or less a day. This group represents a food value of circa 5 million USD/day. Despite their demand for safe and nutritious food, this economy of scale is not yet targeted with fresh food quality improvements.

Food that carries formal food safety certification by government authorities is mainly traded at registered and certified food safety retail outlets, targeting middle and upper income classes. Even though Hanoi’s lower income residents are explicitly demanding for safe and healthy foods, they are generally excluded from these channels.

The exclusion of lower income consumers from more controlled formal food provision systems urges innovative approaches.

The research was funded by BoP Innovation Center and conducted by Fresh Studio in 2013.

Get access by downloading the report below and discover whether it is a “Mission (im)possible” to reach lower income consumers in urban Hanoi with certified safe and healthy food.

+ Reaching lower income groups with safe and healthy food – mission possible? (3 MB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: English

Publication date: June 2014

Private Public Partnership: Successful agricultural projects show great opportunities for future investments

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has held a conference on PPP (Public Private Partnership) investment in agriculture which shows its high interest in the investment mode. Vietnam is one of the 11 countries in the world which applies the PPP model in agricultural projects on a trial basis.

Innovative public private partnerships are a key instrument to improve food security and agricultural sustainability in Vietnam. The model has attracted the participation of 15 trans-national groups, including Metro Cash & Carry, Unilever, Nestle, Syngenta and Fresh Studio.

Fresh Studio has been involved in several PPP projects, amongst others to build up a fish production chain meeting international standards which supports the penetration of Vietnamese seafood products in retail chains.

Setting up a vegetable and fish sourcing system
The assignment began with the establishment of a sourcing system in Dalat (Central Highlands of Vietnam) …+ Read more

Fresh Studio is also committed to developing business partnerships to improve the safety and quality of vegetables, while benefiting farmers. In 2013, Fresh Studio organized a conference, titled ‘Supplying the market of tomorrow’. This event took attendees on a one-day journey into the future of safe, healthy and high value food in Vietnam and offered a platform for (inter)national businesses to meet with key stakeholders from the public sector including Vietnamese government, foreign embassies, NGOs, academia, media and consumers.

Conference: Supplying the Market of Tomorrow
Read and download the presentations given by the Dutch Ambassador, Metro, BopInc and Fresh Studio …+ Read more

The successful results of agriculture projects implemented under the mode of PPP show great opportunities for the participation of more foreign and domestic companies to realize the sustainable development of five industries: tea, coffee, vegetables, fisheries and commodities.



Publication date: May 2014

Food safety in everyday life: Shopping for vegetables in a rural city in Vietnam

Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Gert Spaargaren and Sietze Vellema conducted a research with the aim to investigate how Vietnamese citizens in their everyday lives are confronting the health risks and other side effects related to the consumption of fresh vegetables.

Concerns about food safety influence the way in which Vietnamese consumers confront the question of where, how and from whom they buy their fresh vegetables. In this paper we analyze in what manner and to what extent existing shopping practices inhibit the adoption of modern retail based food safety strategies. Using a social practices theory based approach; we analyze in detail the sales practices of sellers and the purchasing practices of consumers in a Vietnamese provincial city.

This study reveals how both sellers and buyers in wet-markets, Asian style fresh food markets, apply different sets of skills and knowledge, based on locality, personal contacts and private judgment, to match supply and demand in the context of food safety threats. Within the everyday practice of shopping for vegetables, trust is shown to be continuously reproduced along pre-given lines.

Consumers do not easily look outside or move beyond their existing routines even when food safety concerns would urge them to do so. From these findings we conclude that in situations where wet-markets serve as the dominant channel for distributing and purchasing fresh food, the efficacy of government and retail induced food safety strategies depends on their articulation within existing food purchasing routines of Vietnamese consumers.

Download the complete publication here

Constrained consumer practices and food safety concerns in Hanoi

What explains the persistence of vegetable shopping at street markets even while they do not offer formal food safety guarantees in Hanoi? Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Sietze Vellema and Gert Spaargaren, with support of Fresh Studio Team, conducted a practice-based research in order to understand the motivation and constraints of consumers relating to their daily vegetable purchase practices.

Food safety is a widely recognized concern in Vietnam. Public officials, companies and consumers find different ways to address risks of pesticide residues and bacterial contamination related to the use of fresh vegetables in daily diets. The response of the government to these food safety risks includes the modernization and regulation of the food retail system. However, reforms that aim to offer a controlled and predictable provision of fresh vegetables through supermarkets seem to contrast with the daily consumer practices in a dynamic city as Hanoi; over 95% of vegetables is still being purchased at long-established open-air markets, importantly the informal and unhygienic street markets. Using a practices theory approach, this paper aims to explain this persistence of street-market shopping for vegetables.

Detailed accounts of consumer practices, case studies at different retailing sites and daily logbooks of consumers demonstrate that the way consumers cope with food safety risks is largely shaped by the temporal and spatial constraints of their daily shopping practices.

We identified how vegetable shopping is either enjoyed as social interaction within the local community or is regarded a time-consuming activity that conflicts with other activities in everyday life. Our findings indicate how these constraints constitute a reinforcing mechanism for the persistence of uncontrolled and unhygienic street markets.

To make policy responses to food safety risks both more realistic and effective, it is essential to connect to and accommodate the daily realities of consumers managing time and space in a modernizing city rather than to impose an ideal, typical market exclusively driven by the wish to control food safety risks.

Download the complete publication here

BopInc and partners publishes: The process of innovation to create inclusive business

BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) and partners (among others Fresh Studio) published the fifth and final publication of the series on the inclusive innovations process at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP), named ‘The process of innovation to create inclusive business’.

The publication ‘The process of innovation to create inclusive business’ is the final publication in the Three Pilots for Pro-Poor Innovation (3P4PPI) series and discusses experiences and insights gathered from implementation on market-driven pro-poor innovations in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Vietnam.

One of the main challenges for companies, international organizations and NGOs who embark on creating new business opportunities in BoP markets, are optimizing the outcome of the innovation development and to cope with high level of uncertainty inherent in inclusive innovations.

The Three Pilots for Pro-Poor Innovation (3P4PPI) consortium has been able to test a BoP Innovation Cycle, which represents the iterative phases within the process of inclusive product and service innovation development. Developing innovation at the Base of the Pyramid requires a specific approach. The cycle goes from identifying opportunities to the actual implementation of it. Key business dimensions of a BoP venture are developed in each phase. The acquired knowledge is used to improve the BoP Innovation Cycle.

The publication is available through download on the BopInc website
