Fresh Studio’s Director Marketing and Business development, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, delivered a keynote presentation during the round table meeting ‘Developing Myanmar’s Vegetable Sector’ in Nay Pyi Taw.
On the 20th of November the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Netherlands Embassy in cooperation with Mercy Corps and East-West Seed hosted a Round Table Meeting focusing on the development of Myanmar’s Vegetable Sector in Nay Pyi Taw. The objective of the meeting was for stakeholders from government, private sector and development agencies to jointly reach consensus on the main steps that will be necessary for realizing the growth potential in Myanmar’s vegetable sector and begin planning for their implementation.
Fresh Studio’s Director Marketing and Business Development was invited to give a keynote presentation on Fresh Studio’s experiences in vegetable sector development in Vietnam.
‘Developing Myanmar’s Vegetable Sector’
Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, 20 Nov 2014
G2G Round table, Nay Pyi TawDownload
“It was an honor to present Fresh Studio experiences from Vietnam at the round table and inspiring to join the open and constructive discussions with counter parts in Myanmar. The attendance was robust atmosphere very constructive. Conclusion: a lot needs to be done, but first steps are being made in collective addressing the diversity in topics. The organizers will share the outcomes and recommendations for concrete action shortly.”