For a successful crop you need various tools. Besides ploughing, nutrients and crop protection, you need other tools and equipment, such twine to support your plants, shading agents to protect your crop from too high sunlight intensity, sticky traps to catch away pests to name a few. With our partner Royal Brinkman we can supply you basically any horticulture technologies you need for a successful crop or provide you with the right advice for your inquiry.
Worldwide horticultural supplier, consultant and installer with specialized knowledge of professional horticulture. Royal Brinkman was granted the predicate ‘Royal’ in 1985 when the company celebrated its 100th year anniversary. Founded in 1885, Royal Brinkman has been active in the horticultural industry for 130 years.
Monitoring and mass-trapping of flying insects is essential to avoid pests and diseases in your crop from getting out of control. Sticky traps are an easy tool to help you catch flying insects and monitor the level of plagues in your greenhouse. There are some differences in the sticky trap range.
Featured products:
Sticky trap sheets are used to identify and count flying insects.
The Sticky Trap rolls are used for mass-trapping of flying insects.
Fruit damage, broken stems or drooping crops: these are all risks incurred from using the wrong hooks, twine or truss supports in your crops. You naturally want to prevent these risks. One type of crop will benefit from growing on a thin twine, others from a thicker variety. Together with Royal Brinkman, we offer a wide range of crop support based on specific plant weight.
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An important subject for growers in greenhouses is light, that’s because plants won’t grow without light. The sunlight entering the greenhouse is for free, so we want to use it as much as possible. Too much light can cause damage to the crop, therefore most growers use a shading agent in their greenhouse to prevent the crop from being damaged.
A shading agent is sprayed on the greenhouse roof to reduce the intensity of the light. With Brinkman, we can offer a range of shading agents and advise how to apply to your crops.
Featured products:
Various sizes, designs & colours
Top quality produced in Europe
Designed to ensure optimal plant growth and operations
Possible to be printed in your design
Bio-degradable pots available
Featured products:
Various sizes & designs & colors
Top quality produced in Europe with long life
Designed to ensure optimal plant growth and operations
Innovative design:
Through our partners we can supply you a very wide range of seedling trays
Various sizes and dimensions
All produced in Europe
Designed for optimal growth of your seedlings and efficient operations
Stackable and easy to clean
Available for 1 x time use to up to 10 years
Featured products:
We can supply a much larger range of horticulture technologies.
Please contact us with your inquiry, so we together with Royal Brinkman can follow it up with you!