Irrigation efficiency and water use-efficiency in crops production

2021 April 16-17th Ho Chi Minh City

Twenty professors and researchers from universities, DARDs, TVET and research institutes will participate in a two-day training entitled “Irrigation efficiency and water use-efficiency in crops production”. This is one of several pieces of training offered by the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Project “Towards a climate resilient nursery sector and value chains in the Mekong Delta through capacity building in the educational and government sectors”.

OKP project is A Dutch-Vietnamese knowledge partnership project to promote the development of a climate resilient nursery sector & value chains in An Giang, Dong Thap, Can Tho, Soc Trang, Tien Giang and Vinh Long, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and managed by NUFFIC. This project introduces scalable water technology pilots for the aquaculture and horticulture sectors to develop climate-smart value chains. The project international partners including AERES University, HAS University, Fresh Studio Innovations Asia and Nong Lam University work with local governments and educational institutions to enhance capacity so that adaptations to cope with transformation in the MD can be accelerated at the local level.

The main outcomes of the projects are :

  • Improved capacity of trainers and teachers, upgraded curricula and training materials applying interactive multi-disciplinary approaches in higher education (HE) and technical vocational education and training (TVET).
  • Establishment of an indoor nursery R&D facility for Pangasius to pre-nurse robust juveniles which deliver higher yields, and thereby added value to local farmers.
  • Enhanced knowledge & capacity on integrated adaptation strategies, climate smart agriculture (CSA) and efficient water management themes of support organizations within aquaculture & horticulture value chains

“The Netherland- Vietnam Strategic Partnership Agreements (SPAs) focus on technology and knowledge transfer in climate change, water management, sustainable agriculture and food security; the focus themes of this project. The Mekong Delta Agricultural Transformation Plan (MD-ATP) and VN Government Resolution 120 endorse agricultural transition toward vertically integrated value chains and a shift to modern agro-business specialization. The OKP NUFFIC project contributes directly to realize this vision through the transfer of essential technology, knowledge, and skills, “ said Mr. Willem Schoustra, Agriculture Counsellor, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam

The supply of fruits and vegetables in the MD still cannot meet the increasing demand domestically and abroad. According to the World Bank (2016), the fruit demand in Vietnam will increase from 5 million tons by 2009 to 7 million tons by 2030. Vietnamese exports of fruit show ongoing growth. The capacity to produce diversified fruit types is an advantage of Vietnamese fruit when penetrating the world market.

In addition, the participation of Vietnam in trade agreements (CPTPP and EVFTA) brings great market potential for processed fruits due to big and rapid tax reduction commitments by member countries, especially compared to fresh and raw products. Freshwater supply, suboptimal groundwater tables and reducing agricultural lands due to salinity intrusion and rising sea levels has strong impacts on fruits & vegetables production in the MD. This requires efficient and climate smart water management strategies.

One of the most effective means to conserve water appears to be through carefully managed deficit irrigation strategies that are supported by advanced irrigation systems. Implementation of crop location strategies, conversion to crops with higher economic value or productivity per unit of water consumed, and adoption of drought‐ and/or salt-tolerant crops are discussed in academic research, however these strategies are still very limited in practice. This project will focus on filling this gap. Technical trainings on water quality management and irrigation efficiency for agricultural value chains will be developed and contextualized to close the gap between theory and practices.

Toward a climate resilient nursery sector and value chain in the Mekong Delta through the capacity Building in educational and government sector

We are uplifted with the success of the two-day kick off workshop for the Orange Knowledge Program project “Toward a climate resilient nursery sector and value chain in the Mekong Delta through the capacity Building in educational and government sector” campaign by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fresh Studio, Aeres University, Has University and Nong Lam University are collaborated to promote the development of a climate resilient nursery sector & value chains in the Mekong Delta.

Fifty (50) professors, lecturers, extentionists and researchers from colleges, TVETs, DARDS, research institutes from Dong Thap, An Giang, Can Tho, HCM, Long An, Tien Giang, Soc Trang participate in this workshop and will continue a collective learning journey until 2022 and beyond!

Sowing a bright future for economic development and women’s empowerment in Son La province, Vietnam through high-quality seedlings and greenhouse vegetables almost completed!

End 2019 Fresh Studio together with the project consortium Applied Horticulture Research, Royal Brinkman, BVB-Substrates, Semillas Fito and Gautier Semences started to identify 13 female farmers willing to investment in a plant nursery or vegetable production greenhouse in Son La province.

This was not an easy task as greenhouse production is relatively new in Son La province, but in 2019 5 female farmers had enough trust to join the project and the first plant nurseries and greenhouses were established. These plant nurseries and greenhouses were very well received and with their quality and design set a new standard. The first build nurseries and greenhouses in combination with the technical support by our local team of agronomist made it easier to earn the trust of more female farmers to join the project and invest themselves in a plant nursery or vegetable production greenhouse.

Today the project objective of realizing 8 plant nurseries and 5 vegetable production greenhouses has been realized with the final construction work completed. The work of the project now continues in the coming weeks, with training of farmers, field days to share knowledge and technologies and continues coaching and technical support through our local team or agronomists based in Moc Chau and Hanoi.  Rene van Rensen – Managing Partner / R&D Director crops was able to visit all location during is recent visit to Moc Chau, Van Ho and Mai Son.

Rene van Rensen: “It is really exciting to see how dedicated and proud the nursery and greenhouse owners are to produce seedlings and vegetables. It makes me very proud to see the progress they are making to work in a professional way and our team of Fresh Studio to realize all successfully! We can see already the positive impact this project has on developing a professional horticulture sector in Son La province in which women are in the lead. 

Through the plant nurseries local farmers have now access to high quality seedlings and improved and new varieties and through the vegetable production greenhouses local farmers learn how to extend their production season, produce vegetables they could not grow before, increase the yield and quality of their crops all in compliance with VietGAP to ensure food safety.

It gives us great pride to make knowledge and technologies available for the farmers in Son La so they have a bright future ahead!

For more information regarding the project contact:

René van Rensen

Managing Partner / R&D Director Crops

Fresh Studio

For more information regarding the GREAT program see:

Fresh Academy Course for Rikolto in Vietnam: Capacity building for Inclusive Agricultural value Chains

Hanoi November 12-14, Fresh Studio/Fresh Academy conducted a three-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Inclusive business for agricultural value chains for Rikolto staff in Vietnam and their projects partners including farmer cooperative leaders and local authorities in Rikolto’s rice and vegetable value chain projects. A diverse group of 15 participants came from Ha Noi, Ha Nam, Vinh Phuc, Dong Thap and An Giang.

The TOT is tailored designed based on the client’s needs and combined of theoretical and practical modules to enrich participants’ knowledge and skills that can be applied directly to their current projects. In the theoretical part, participants were exposed to concepts of supply chain management, business model canvas, inclusive business assessments, inclusive model development, impact planning and partnership brokering. In addition, for practice, group field visits were organized to different retail channels such as wet markets and supermarkets. Participants were able to see how the 4Ps of products marketing in reality, where values were added, and gathered lesson learned for their own specific projects. Information gathered from these visits were reflected in group exercises in which participants applied various toolkits to identify action plans for improvement of their value chains.

Sowing a bright future for economic development and women’s empowerment in Son La province, Vietnam through high-quality seedlings and greenhouse vegetables

Fresh Studio is pleased to announce that it will support 13 female farmers in Son La province, Vietnam to establish 5 vegetable production greenhouses and 8 seedling production nurseries as part of the project: “Sowing a bright future for economic development and women’s empowerment in Son La through high-quality seedlings and greenhouse vegetables. This project is part of the Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture & Tourism (GREAT) program funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Fresh Studio started working in the mountainous Northern Vietnam province Son La in 2007 with the ambition to create in Moc Chau district a vegetable production area which can supply urban Hanoi during the hot summer months when vegetable production in the surrounding Red River Delta is practically impossible for temperate vegetables.

Since then Fresh Studio continued to work as part of various projects to develop vegetable production in Son La province, especially in Moc Chau and Van Ho Districts. Currently Fresh Studio is working in this area in close collaboration with Applied Horticulture Research and Nomafsi further develop vegetable production as part of the ACIAR project: “Improving livelihoods in Myanmar and Vietnam through vegetable value chains“.

This project led already to some great achievements, including direct linkage of local farmers groups with modern retailers, woman empowerment, introduction of new varieties and better production technologies, VietGAP certification and increased farmer incomes to mentioned a few. 

Still room for improvement

There are still points to improve the vegetable supply chain from Son La province. One point is that farmers don’t have access to high quality seedlings and another point for improvement is that farmers have limited access to modern greenhouse production technologies and cultivation advice. We even see that the wrong greenhouse production technologies are introduced, which result in very poor results.

Therefore, we are very pleased that in the coming 2 and half year we can directly work to improve these points within our project under the GREAT program. What makes this program literally really great is that it actively targets to empower ethnic minority women to take up a larger role in the vegetable production supply chain.”


The ACIAR project ”Improving livelihoods in Myanmar and Vietnam through vegetable value chains” has proven that the production of vegetables diversifies and greatly increases farmer’s income in Moc Chau and Van Ho. Furthermore, through vegetable production women and ethnic minorities can be involved in vegetable production value chains. Under this project  a first small nursery has been established in Van Ho. Results of this nursery prove the added value of good quality seedlings. In Lam Dong province which is the main temperate vegetable production area of Vietnam basically all vegetables are planted as seedling and farmers buy seedling from nurseries.

Happy first nursery operator 
Effect of improved technology: left current practice and right improved practice
Nursery in Da Lat
Grafting at nursery in Da Lat creating a lot of jobs

In Lam Dong province there is already over 4,000 ha. of greenhouse production and first greenhouse production trials in Son La province have proven that greenhouse production is also possible in Son La province and provides a lot of benefits. Establishing a high quality seedling production sector linked with improved (greenhouse) vegetable production technologies will create a lot of value for local farmers in Son La province and empower ethnic women to participate and benefit from these value chains.

Direct knowledge development

Through training, field days, direct extension services and enabling 13 female farmers to invest in 5 vegetable production greenhouses and 8 seedling production nurseries this project will provide access to technologies and knowledge enabling households and particularly women to connect and participate in the vegetable production value chain. With Fresh Studio’s extensive experience in developing horticulture value chains in Vietnam, experience in Son La province and through our partners we are very confident to realize these objective’s.

This project will be implemented by an international consortium consisting of: Applied Horticulture Research, BvB-Substrates, Semillas Fito, Pop Vriend Seeds, Royal Brinkman and Fresh Studio.

The first project activities have started, and the first farmers have registered to establish a greenhouse or nursery. In the coming months we look forward updating you on the project results.

For more information regarding the consortium members see:

For more information regarding the project contact:

René van Rensen

R&D Director Crops

Fresh Studio

For more information regarding the GREAT program see:

SAPA Project – Short Review

The SAPA (Sustainable and Affordable Poultry for All) project which is being implemented in Myanmar and runs from 2015-2020. The fourth project year has just been finished and we made a short preview of the project. The final documentary will be ready at the end of the project, which will show all the received results. Curious to see what the SAPA project is about and what we have achieved so far?

Please watch here:

Growing without the right foundation is an uphill battle


Following the growth of the horticultural industry in Vietnam, the team of Fresh Studio is expanding their consulting services by offering growers horticultural technologies as well. “We focus on technologies, which growers can directly use in their current production system. For example seeds, substrate, greenhouse film. In combination with an experienced team providing technical support we assist growers to be more successful in their production through these technologies”, Rene van Rensen with Fresh Studio explains. “Without the right base set of products and technical support, growing remains an uphill battle.”

High demand for knowledge

Last week, during the HortEx exhibition in Vietnam, there wasn’t a quiet moment for the team with Fresh Studio. The Vietnamese company has been active in consultancy for the Vietnamese horticultural industry and supports hundreds of growers in the country. Last year the Fresh Academy was established to help them do so: offering practical training for Vietnamese trainers helps expand horticultural knowledge throughout the industry rapidly. According to Rene, the demand for development, knowledge and support is high amongst Vietnamese growers.

Horticulture developing fast

“Horticulture in Vietnam is developing fast. Growers are eager to learn and to develop their skills”, Rene says. “This goes for the Dalat region, famous for its horticulture, as well as other regions like Moc Chau in the north of the country, where we’ve recently opened a new office.”

He continues: “All over Vietnam and in nearby countries, the demand for fresh produce is growing, but for safe and sustainable production there is still room for improvement. Luckily the Vietnamese government supports the industry and is eager to develop “high-tech” greenhouse production. Also through project initiatives taken to further develop the sector.”

For example, later this year Fresh Studio will help in establishing 8 nurseries in the province Son La. “Through this project farmers in Son La will get access to high quality seedlings helping growers to get a better crop performance. A great aspect of this project is that all nurseries will be managed by local female growers, as gender inclusiveness is an important objective of the project.

A small nursery in Moc Chau – showing the difference in seedlings. Below: the grower showing the differences in seedlings.

Demand for supporting materials

Following these market developments, also the demand for better crop supporting materials is on the rise. “Growers willing to invest start with the base materials: Varieties, substrate, a greenhouse & film. If this base isn’t set properly, it will remain difficult to grow.”

Therefore Fresh Studio extended their consultancy activities and are now also offering growing solutions. The current assortment includes varieties (Semillas Fito, Pop Vriend Seeds, Agrico), substrates (BVB Substrates), biological crop protection (Koppert), greenhouse films (Agripolyane) and the products of Royal Brinkman.

Affordable and directly applicable

In the Vietnamese market growers don’t have much capital available, Rene explains. “We’ve chosen to focus on products that are of direct use to growers. These products are affordable and directly applicable, showing the benefits for the crop immediately.” “An imported greenhouse will certainly give a grower a better crop performance, but only if the grower makes sure he uses the right inputs for all growing aspects and has sufficient knowledge and management skills. We often see that growers still struggle with this and are not able to grasp the full potential of a crop. Therefore the market for investments in advance hardware are still limited. We don’t focus on this and are happy to refer interested growers to providers of these technologies, which we know.”

Visiting a strawberry grower in Da Lat with BVB substrates

R&D farm

The products are tested and demonstrated at the Fresh Studio R&D farm in Dalat, a 1.1 hectare farm consisting of 4 greenhouses and open field production. “In our new activities, it’s not just about sales, it’s about offering a trusted solution to the growers”, Rene explains. “We’ve tested the products ourselves and know they’re from reliable suppliers. And we continue to combine this offer with our consultancy services, to support growers throughout the cultivation.” Consultation & crop support remain the most important services of the company. New in the field of services is the cooperation with Groen Agro Control, a Dutch laboratory, Fresh Studio makes it possible for growers to have their samples sent to the Netherlands and tested there. Apart from being more affordable and trustworthy, Rene explains the importance of the advice being offered with the test results. “Measuring an EC or a pH isn’t enough if you want to know how to adjust your fertilizer application. With the increasing acreage grown on hydroponics, advice on fertilizer application is becoming more important. So we are glad to start this service together with Groen Agro Control as it enables us also to better support the growers in Vietnam regardless of whether they buy our technologies or from others.”

NFT lettuce at the Fresh Studio R&D farm in Dalat

Gia Đình Hà Lan potato brand launched in major supermarket, wholesale markets and canteens in Vietnam.

The successful launch of Gia Dinh Ha Lan brand, meaning “born in the Netherlands, grown in Vietnam”  bring  the introduction of Dutch potato varieties in Vietnam to the next level.

Learn more about our brand values and products, visit:

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After the successful registration of Rosagold  and Markies as part of the FDOV project: “Growing out of poverty with potato”, Vietnamese farmers can now increase their income from better yield and sale.  Vietnamese consumers can now access and enjoy potato varieties that meet their taste profile and with better quality in major supermarkets including AEON, Big C, CoopMart and MegaMart in Ha Noi, Hai Phong and Quang Ninh cities. A value chain has been set up among farmers, traders and retailers who collaborate and make sure potatoes under Gia Dinh Ha Lan brand are consistently available and accessible to Vietnamese consumers.

Vitalising the Vietnamese potato sector: the results of the 4th project year

Since its launch in 2014, the ‘Growing out of poverty with potato’ project made a great deal of progress to develop the potato sector in Vietnam and we are pleased to share the results of the 4th project year. With the launch of the new potato campaign Gia Dinh Ha Lan with the slogan: “Born in the Netherlands grown in Vietnam” the introduction of Dutch potato varieties in Vietnam entered the next phase.Goi

During the 4th project year the focus of the project activities shifted further to support the commercial introduction of the potato varieties Rosagold and Markies as both varieties neared the requirements to complete the registration process for commercial introduction in Vietnam. To support the market introduction the marketing and branding campaign related to Dutch potato varieties was updated after further consumer research and feedback on the materials developed. With the launch of the brand Gia Dinh Ha Lan the commercial introduction Markies and Rosagold can be further supported with marketing and branding activities, materials and media.

Looking already beyond the project time line, for 4 more potato varieties the start of the registration process for commercial introduction was made, based on good trial results. Increasing the portfolio of potato varieties available for Vietnamese farmers will further support the development of the potato sector in Vietnam and contribute to the long-term impact of the project.

Please find below a summary of some major project results or activities during the 4th project year. For more information please find the full annual project report through the link below:

Potato farmer training in potato production mechanization in Lam Dong province by Wageningen University

Supply development

  • Reached all potato variety registration requirements to pass registration of Markies and Rosagold
  • Continued registration activities of 5 potato varieties
  • Further training of potato production advisors in mechanisation of potato production
  • Total of 2,014 farmers (72% female) completed training in potato production (seed preparation, fertilization, disease prevention, processing and preserving the harvest
  • Total of 52 potato production advisers trained in potato production to assist potato farmers and help establishing contracts between farmers and traders
  • Continued efforts to increase farmer income through potato production and gender inclusiveness
  • 5 additional persons attended the potato training at the Potato Business School in Emmeloord

Demand development

  • 103 households prepared 4 newly selected potato varieties at home and provided feedback per potato variety
  • 818 consumers interviewed to get more insight in their potato preferences
  • Updated marketing and branding activities and materials for Dutch potato varieties
  • Launch of Gia Dinh Ha La marketing and branding campaign
  • Continuously online potato awareness campaign
  • 45 persons at retailers trained in added value of Dutch potato varieties and potato sales strategy

Supply chain development

  • 2 signed collaborations between the project and potato traders
  • 36 field days organized, attended by 19 traders and 534 farmers
  • Total of 1,358 farmers (64% female) signed contracts with traders to deliver potatoes, covering an estimated 1,358 tons of table potatoes
  • Total of 1,793 contracts for processing potato realized

Policy development

  • 2 meetings with the Potato Policy Discussion Platform

Potato varieties Rosagold and Markies registered for commercial sales in Vietnam

After successfully completing the registrations process for commercial sales of potato varieties, Rosagold and Markies were unanimously approved by the scientific council for commercial sales in Vietnam. This approval was officially ratified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on 17 January 2019.

The registration of Rosagold and Markies is a major milestone as part of the FDOV project: “Growing out of poverty with potato”. With this registration Vietnamese farmers now have access to these 2 potato varieties. With their higher yield and better quality, the commercial introduction of these 2 varieties will assist Vietnamese potato farmers to increase their income and Vietnamese consumers to enjoy potato varieties meeting their taste profile and of better quality. The whole registration process took over 3 years with numerous trials in various regions across Vietnam, therefore we are very pleased that our activities have led to this result. 

To support the market introduction of Rosagold and Markies, both varieties in cooperation with Vietnamese traders, will be sold under the brand Gia Dinh Ha Lan.

For more information see:

‘Growing out of poverty with potato’ is a five-year PPP (public-private partnership) project (2014-2019) between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Fresh Studio, Agrico, PepsiCo Vietnam and Wageningen University, with the objective of setting an example of a sustainable value chain for high quality potato in Vietnam.