
Since 2006, Fresh Studio has been contracted by a Dutch vegetable seed company – one of the world leaders in breeding and distributing innovative high quality vegetable seeds….
Striving to improve organic agriculture in all areas from production to consumption in a sustainable manner, our client approached Fresh Studio for assistance in attaining market access for organic….
BoP Innovation Center (BopInc) published their fourth publication in a series of 5 about Co-creating BoP ventures – A new form of interaction to develop shared value among equal….
Corporate brochure created by Fresh Studio for The Fruit Republic … + The Fruit Republic corporate brochure (1,5 MB) ____________________________________________________ Source: Fresh Studio Language: English Publication date: Junly 2013Also interesting to….
Mid 2012 Fresh Studio undertook a safe vegetable retail census covering 10 urban districts of Hanoi. We combed every street in these 10 districts in search for outlets claiming….
PENANG – Fresh Studio have spent the last few years building an innovative seafood sourcing system mostly from small scale farmers in Vietnam to supply one of the largest….
HANOI – During my Msc Mangement Economics and Consumers studies at Wageningen University I was given the beautiful chance to be part of the Fresh Studio team in Hanoi….
BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc), together with partners (among others Fresh Studio) capture learnings from the program ‘Three Pilots for Pro-Poor Innovation’ (3P4PPI) in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Vietnam to….
The agriculture sector plays a crucial role for the Vietnamese economy. To improve this sector, four leading agriculture companies took the initiative to form the Food, Agri and Aquaculture….
CAN THO – For this study I had to find a 6 months internship related to this main subjects and Fresh Studio has offered me the possibility to go in….
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