
CAN THO – Pangasius fish is sustainably farmed in the Mekong delta of Vietnam, and a large part of the production sites are now certified for International farming standard….
HCMC – One of the major limitations to increasing milk production on Vietnamese dairy farms is the quantity as well as the quality of roughage. Using good quality forage….
HCMC – Fresh Studio is assisting CBI to recruit ambitious manufacturers and exporters in the food ingredient sector who are eager to expand their export activities to Europe. To….
BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) and partners, among others Fresh Studio, rereleased the second publication of a series of five about inclusive business at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP),….
‘Inclusive Innovation-shared value at the Base of the Pyramid’ is the first publication of a series of five based on experiences and insights from the pilots within the ‘Three….
DALAT – Research and training initiatives are helping Vietnamese farmers produce year-round exportable crops. Rene van Rensen, R&D manager at Fresh Studio Innovations Asia, speaks to ASIAFRUIT about some….
HANOI – ‘I am impressed to see how FrieslandCampina has worked successfully with local farmers to increase the production of fresh milk in Vietnam.’ Locally produced fresh milk now….
HANOI – ‘The demand for sustainable and safe food is growing in Vietnam, and the spending power for such products has increased. This creates opportunities for Vietnamese farmers and….
Fresh Studio was contracted by GIZ and IDH to develop a Globalgap certified smallholder pangasius (catfish) farmer group in Tra Vinh Province….
Brochure created by Fresh Studio for METRO Vietnam Fish sourcing project … + METRO Vietnam Fish sourcing brochure (7,0 MB) ____________________________________________________ Source: Fresh Studio Language: English Publication date: June 2012Also interesting….
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