Manual: Greenhouse sweet pepper production

Greenhouse sweet peppers are primarily grown in three colours: green, red and yellow. No matter what the final colour of the pepper, all sweet peppers start out green in colour and the final colour develops as the fruit ripens.

In general the price of red and yellow sweet pepper is higher than green sweet pepper, making it more profitable to harvest sweet peppers grown in a greenhouse red or yellow. The sweet pepper plants can be kept in production from 4 – 8 months depending on the variety and production system used. Most farmers in Vietnam try to grow a sweet pepper crop for one year.

+ Sweet pepper production VNE (530 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012Also interesting to read:

Manual: Hydroponice vegetable production

Hydroponic cultivation is an artificial means of providing plants with support and a reservoir for nutrients and water.

The simplest and oldest method for soilless culture is a vessel of water in which inorganic chemicals are dissolved to supply all of the nutrients that plants require. Often called solution culture or water culture, the method was originally termed hydroponics (i. e., “water working”) by W. F. Gericke in the 1930s. Over the years, hydroponics has developed throughout the world as a commercial means of growing both food and ornamental plants. A growing media is sometimes used in hydroponic systems to provide plant support, and retain some nutrients and water. The growing media is then placed inside plastic bags, slabs or containers.

+ Soilless cultivation VNE (338 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012Also interesting to read:

Manual: Potato production

Potato is an important crop in Vietnam. The main production area is in North-Vietnam, but in the Central Highlands (Lam Dong Province) potato is also an important crop.

Potatoes are a high nutrient value, besides carbohydrates potatoes are also a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibres. In the past potatoes were mainly grown for fresh consumption, but in recent years the potato volume produced for processing has increased. The characteristics of potatoes suitable for fresh consumption and processing vary and this if often related to the potato variety characteristics. The main problem for potato production worldwide is late blight (phytophtora infestans) and this is also in Vietnam the case. In order to come to a successful potato crop many point should be considered and managed and with this leaflet we like to provide some advice and ideas.

+ Potato production VNE (280 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012Also interesting to read:

Manual: Irrigation of vegetable crops

Irrigation is one of the most critical of all production practices. To provide conditions for optimum plant growth it is essential to become familiar with the factors that influence soil moisture.

Plants evaporate which has to be compensated either by rainfall or in an artificial way. Because of storage capacity in the soil, water can be buffered for certain time. The buffer capacity depends on the soil type. Clay soil has a larger storage capacity then sandy. The water storage capacity is also increased by the amount of organic matter in the soil. The water storage capacity for a crop depends on intensity and rooting depth. Enough moisture in the soil is important for plant growth, soil processes (release and transport of minerals) and for soil cultivation.

+ Irrigation VNE (649 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012Also interesting to read:

Manual: Scouting of pests and diseases in crops

Crop scouting is an essential part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM uses field specific information and improved decision making to protect a crop’s yield and quality while minimizing the use of crop protection products. Crop scouting provides field specific information on pest and disease pressure within a crop.

In order to choose the best pest or disease control management option it is very important that crop scouting is done timely and accurately.

  • Timely: for most crops it is recommended to scout the crop at least once per week and more often when favourable conditions occur for the development of certain pests or diseases.
  • Accurately: a pest or disease needs to be identified and the level of the pest or disease present in the field needs to be determined accurately to be able to select the best control strategy.

When implemented successfully crop scouting will reduce the amount of crop protection products used while increasing the yield and quality of a crop.

+ Scouting VNE (338 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012Also interesting to read:

Manual: Fertilizer application

In modern agriculture systems fertilizers are applied to provide the plants with sufficient nutrients to obtain an optimal yield.

If no fertilizer or manure is applied then the yield results are a lot lower. Looking at the total production costs of a crop will probably show that the costs of fertilizers are in the top 3 of all costs items. Over application of fertilizers will result in wastage of money and can also have negative effects on the environment, for example pollution of ground water.


+ Fertilizer application VNE (933 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012

Manual: Greenhouse vegetable production

Vegetable cultivation started in the open field and for a large number of crops is still the preferred option. Especially when comparing financial inputs and outputs.

In some regions or during some seasons it is however difficult to grow certain vegetable crops, due to the climate conditions. In order to still produce these corps “out of the season” protective houses, which protected the crop from the environmental conditions were made. With better quality and production methods for glass and plastic these first proactive houses evaluated to the current moderns greenhouse structures. In the most modern greenhouse structures the climate inside is completely controlled automatic by computers. Greenhouse production in Vietnam and especially in Lam Dong province is expanding fast. First mainly bamboo greenhouses were used, but more and more steel structures are being built currently. In this manual we like to highlight some important point to consider when selecting which greenhouse to build.

+ Cultivation in greenhouse VNE (203 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: Vietnamese

Publication date: April 2012
