Study Tour: Dairy Sector of India

Fresh Studio organized for its client a study tour to India, the largest milk producer of the world. The aim of the tour was to investigate the dairy market of India in order to identify opportunities for development of the dairy sector in Vietnam.

India has a complex dairy sector where approximately 20% of the milk production is processed through the formal sector. Before 1970, India was a milk deficient country. Due to the largest dairy development program in the world – Operation Flood – it became world’s largest milk producer (both cow and buffalo milk). Despite the success of Operation Flood, the average milk production per cow is still one of the lowest in the world. Fresh Studio organized the study tour in order to learn from the experiences of Operation Flood and to investigate more recent developments in this emerging dairy market to discover opportunities for improving the Vietnamese dairy sector. Focus of the study tour was on contract model schemes, technical extension and access to finance for smallholder farmers.

The study tour visited AMUL; the key example (and model) of Operation Flood’s development. AMUL started as a village cooperative in 1945, but currently processes milk from 3.2 million farmers throughout India and is the largest dairy processor of Asia.

quote-iconThe study tour provided useful insights for the Vietnamese dairy sector.

Also processors with different contract models were visited in Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab. For example, in Punjab over 85% of milk is processed through formal channels. The farms are much larger and milk production per cow is much higher compared to other provinces in India.

Next to dairy processors, several governmental institutions that focus on extension to smallholder dairy farmers were visited in Gujarat, Punjab and Hyderabad.

The study tour provided useful insights for the Vietnamese dairy sector into different models of dairy processors, how smallholder farmers are technically as well as financially assisted to expand their business and how extension models can be applied in different situations.

Moc Chau vegetables gaining a strong foothold in Hanoi market

Over the past summer, vegetable production in the three farmer groups in Moc Chau supported by the project “Improved market engagement for counter-seasonal vegetable producers in North West Vietnam” has improved the quality and safety of vegetables for Hanoi consumers.

The quality of vegetables including tomatoes, beans and cabbage sold by Moc Chau farmers to retailers in Hanoi has tripled from 60 tons last year to nearly 180 tons this year.

43 farmers form 3 villages have increased their production area form just 4 hectares last year to 18 hectares this season and diversified their assortment of crops to improve their overall market offer.

Farmers also made investments in their farms of which the adoption of basic net-covered greenhouses is the most significant. After returning from a study trip to Da Lat this year, they expanded from just 3 net houses last year to 9 this year. This investment will enable farmers to grown higher value crops such as lettuces and broccoli during the lowland off season.


^ Moc Chau farmers putting up basic protective structures

Farmers in Moc Chau have been strongly supported by agronomists from the Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI), consulting firm Fresh Studio and Hanoi Agricultural University. These groups worked together offering technical support, organizing field days and market feedback sessions, and training farmers in record keeping and food safety regulations of Safe Vegetable Certification, VietGAP and METRO Requirement.

+ Download the complete article


Source: ACIAR in Vietnam magazine

Publication date: January 2014

This development is a result of the collaboration with project:

Creation of a value chain for vegetables in North Vietnam

Gain access to daily wholesale prices to support your business or research

Fresh Studio provides access to its daily vegetable wholesale prices collected from 2007 onwards. This database enables businesses and researchers to build a solid foundation to support benchmarks, business plans, value chain analyses and market research.

Since 2007, Fresh Studio collects the daily wholesale prices of over 40 different types of vegetables with different varieties and origins and from several markets in North Vietnam. 


The availability of these daily vegetable prices enables retailers, trade companies, distributors and researchers to optimize their benchmark and improve their (value chain) business intelligence.


Example: price setting
While vegetable wholesale prices may fluctuate quite significantly from day-to-day, modern sales channels frequently work with weekly vegetable prices. Access to vegetable wholesale prices enables them to anticipate on market prices and determine a competitive price point.


Example: vegetable market analysis

Vegetable price trends are not available online and more generic inflation indicators do not necessarily provide insights in (specific) vegetable price developments. Access to daily vegetable wholesale prices give researchers, business analysts and policy makers a solid foundation for evaluating price developments.




How to gain access?


1) Fresh Studio offers an annual subscription.

This subscription includes a monthly update of all vegetable wholesale prices (raw data) of the previous month:


Annual subscription



Price 2014



> 40 vegetables

350 USD



> 40 vegetables

300 USD



> 40 vegetables

250 USD


2) Fresh Studio offers historical data packages.

These packages contain all daily vegetable prices (raw data) for one year (01 January to 31 December):






Price 2014




> 40 vegetables

400 USD




> 40 vegetables

400 USD




> 40 vegetables

400 USD




> 40 vegetables

400 USD




25 vegetables

250 USD




25 vegetables

250 USD




25 vegetables

125 USD For free**


*Price data only available from July 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007
**For free, if bought together with H-08 and H-09


Customized packages are available upon request. Do you want to subscribe or are you interested in more information about the wholesale price database? Please contact us

Business recruitment for CBI – Food Ingredients Export Coaching Program

Fresh Studio collaborated with Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (Vietrade) and the Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) to recruit small and medium businesses to participate in the CBI Food Ingredients Export Coaching Program (ECP).

The goal of ECP in Vietnam is to promote and enhance the competitive position of value added food ingredient products from Vietnam for export to the EU market. The Vietnamese businesses selected for the ECP are trained and coached to formulate their export marketing strategies, adjust production processes, improve personnel capacity on the requirements of European markets, and establish business relationships with potential clients in Europe.

For effective recruitment, Fresh Studio consultants cooperated with Vietrade officials to search and select food ingredient businesses who meet ECP selection criteria. These potential ECP companies were then invited to attend the conference entitled “EU Export Coaching Program – Food Ingredients Vietnam” in Ho Chi Minh City last 20th December 2013. The conference was aimed to introduce the objectives, requirements ad stages of ECP to Vietnamese food ingredient businesses. Over 100 business representatives attended the event.

Currently, over 20 applications have been submitted. These applications will be reviewed and pre-selected by CBI for pre-auditing and auditing in order to gain insights into the companies’ current export strengthens and weaknesses. CBI will accordingly select the most suitable businesses for the next steps.Also interesting to read:

NAJK study tour visits Fresh Studio

NAJK, a Dutch association for young farmers, organized a study tour through Vietnam in which agriculture and food security are the central topics. On the 25th of November they visited Fresh Studio in HCMC to discuss these themes.

A delegation of young farmers visited Vietnam with the aim to develop a better understanding of Vietnam, the agricultural sector in particular and the challenges young farmers are facing here. The study tour focused on food security, the global context and the role agriculture plays within this issue.

The delegation visited Fresh Studio in HCMC where Mr. René van Rensen, R&D Director Crops of Fresh Studio, presented the mission of Fresh Studio to grow better lives from farmers to consumers. He shared insights into Fresh Studio’s work on how vegetable sourcing systems were developed in the Central highlands and North-Vietnam.

There were numerous questions of NAJK related to the challenges regarding agricultural production and food safety, which producers are facing in Vietnam and the differences compared with the Netherlands. René stated that the main challenges in Vietnam are: small scale agricultural production systems and the fragmented market. In the 7 years he has been working in Vietnam he has seen improvement, by better cooperation within agricultural supply chains and the increasing level of production of agricultural products. However, there is still a lot to achieve in Vietnam regarding production levels, food safety and sustainability.

Read more about the complete study tour of NAJK from day-to-day (in Dutch): click hereAlso interesting to read:

IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers

Fresh Studio launched the IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers. The pilot software has two main elements and is developed using the agile software development methodology. An online demonstration of the system is available soon.

1. Agriculture Helpdesk

Allows agronomists and farmers to digitally access information about pests and diseases, crop protection products, and other main agriculture practice documentation.


  • Access better farming techniques that ultimately will improve production of safe vegetables in quantity and quality.
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) built up, capturing tacit knowledge which will ease the work of agronomists in the future.
  • Able to provide targeted trainings based on the main FAQ.

2. Extension support
Allows agronomists to digitally report on visits to farmers. Currently reporting is done on paper with a number of unnecessary repetitions of work for agronomists and management.


  • Avoid double entry of work which allows agronomists to spend more time in the field and thus dedicate more time to advise farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to agronomists for better planning of visits to farmers and advice on actions to take for farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to farmers about on-farm implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Optimize computation and analysis of field visit reports

Project partners:


Hi-World is an IT software development company based in Hanoi, Vietnam. A team of programmers worked closely with the team of Fresh Studio on requirements, development and testing of both the web-based application as the mobile Android application which will be launched next month.


The BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) accelerates the number and impact of inclusive innovations in low-income markets. Inclusive innovations serve the demand of the poor and create shared value for all stakeholders involved. BoPInc incubates these innovations, shares learnings and improves the enabling environment.
www.bopinc.orgAlso interesting to read:

Fresh Studio promotes Vietnam Dairy Dialogue initiative

HANOI – The dairy sector in Vietnam has developed progressively over the past decades with an annual increase of over 10% in terms of both milk production and herd size. In order to create a long-term sustainable development of the sector, innovative approaches and multidisciplinary joint-efforts are required.

Fresh Studio, on behalf of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, organized the first dairy dialogue titled “Vietnam Dairy Sector Dialogue – towards sustainable farming development” on December 4 in Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. The event aimed to assemble all main actors of the Vietnamese dairy sector around the table in order to find common ground to work together on how to further increase the quantity of locally produced milk while giving full considerations to quality and sustainability issues. 

The dialogue attracted over 50 dairy actors ranging from milk processors, governmental departments and other key stakeholders as input providers and research institutions.

For sustainable development of the dairy sector in Vietnam, both Mr. Vu Van Tam, the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Mr. Joop Scheffers, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Vietnam, emphasized the importance of the Vietnamese dairy dialogue. These presentations were followed by two keynote speeches: an overview of the Vietnamese dairy sector by the deputy director of Livestock Department of MARD, and the challenges for sustainable dairy sector development by Fresh Studio’s Senior Agriculture Consultant, Vo Van Phong.


fresh-studio2Mapping the challenges for Sustainable Dairy Development in Vietnam
Speaker: Mr. Vo Van Phong
Fresh Studio
Download: English Tiếng Việt

This first dialogue has produced fruitful results. All attendants acknowledge the need for a regular Vietnam dairy platform to discuss the challenges stakeholders face when working on sustainable solutions. Therefore, an interim steering committee, led by MARD, and three technical working groups have been established with allocated members and preliminary tasks. The steering committee and the technical working groups will work together on the agreed topics during the next six month after which the second dialogue will be held. FrieslandCampina Vietnam has agreed to organize this second dairy dialogue in June 2014.


Also interesting to read:

CONFERENCE: CBI/Viettrade Export Coaching Programme

“Food ingredients Vietnam

Grand Hotel, No. 8 Đồng Khởi, District 1, Hồ Chí Minh City
8:00 AM – 12:00AM Friday, December 20, 2013

In order to promote and enhance the competitive position of value added food ingredient products from Vietnam  for export to the EU market, CBI/Viet trade and Fresh Studio present a conference on “ EU Export Coaching Programme – Food Ingredients Vietnam”

Experts from: CBI, MARD, Viettrade and Fresh Studio.
Topics include:
1. Current issues and challenges in exporting Vietnamese agricultural products to the EU.
2. Opportunities and challenges in exporting food ingredients from Vietnam to EU markets – Selecting the best market entry strategies.
3. CBI/Viet Trade export coaching programme for Vietnamese companies focusing on food ingredients including but not limited to coffee, cacao, tea, honey, spices, edible nuts,etc.
4. Direct EU export programme consultancy with Vietnamese companies.
To learn more about the programme and register for the conference, please download the below files. Registration is first come first serve. Please apply early!

Conference documentation:

Invitation letter: 

Download: Tiếng Việt

Participation form: 

Download: English Tiếng Việt

Conference agenda: 

Download: Tiếng Việt

Food ingredients brochure: 

Download: Tiếng Việt

For more information, please contact:


Contact: Mr. Hiển

Tel: 0965759686

Contact: Mr. Hải

Tel: 0912569596

Add: Tầng 7, số 20 Lý Thường Kiệt, Hà Nội
Tel: 04 39364792 (số lẻ: 111 hoặc 109); Fax: 04 39364793

Fresh Studio
Contact: Mr. Quang

Tel: 0908260114


This event is organized by:

logo-cbi logo-vietrade logo-4

Vegetable farmer extension program in Moc Chau yields encouraging results

MOC CHAU – Bringing vegetable farmers together, with different techniques and farming styles, and comparing their performance among each other, will lead to improved yields, higher quality produce and increasing farmers’ income.

The weekend before the conference ‘Supplying the market of tomorrow’, a delegation from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) participated in a farmers’ exchange meeting with three farmer groups in Moc Chau organized by the Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NOMAFSI), Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA), Fruits and Vegetables Research Institute (FAVRI) and Fresh Studio.


With over 40 farmers present, the meeting focused on the three largest vegetable products supplied to Hanoi by the farmer groups during the past season: French beantomato, and white cabbage.





Farmer’s exchange meeting

Location: Tu Nhien, Moc Chau

Date: 18 November 2013

Download: English Tiếng Việt


Opening up
Ms. Vu Thi Phuong Thanh (agronomist, Fresh Studio) started the meeting by giving a general introduction comparing the production area, assortment and volumes of vegetables sold under the project in 2012 and 2013. Ms. Thanh shared that “the total production area increased more than four times: from four hectares in 2012 to eighteen hectares in 2013. Moreover, the total volume sold to Hanoi retailers by the three farmer groups reached 155 tons from May to October this year.”


Comparing farm performance
After the introduction presentation, the farmers were split into smaller discussion groups according to crops (French bean, tomato and white cabbage) they produced,

In each group, every farmer’s performance was discussed and compared within the group. This analysis was made possible through farmer record keeping which were encoded in the MonQi database – a software Fresh Studio uses in its extension program to analyze farmer performance and benchmark farmer’s performance with each other.


The comparisons were used to fuel the discussion among farmers to answer questions like “What caused the differences in yield?” and “Why one farmer earned more than the other?” Farmers were very eager to share with fellow farmers how they grow their crops and how they think other farmers can improve their crop performance.


Farmers have a lot of experience, but hardly compare actual figures of their own farm with other farmers. Putting them in a group to show them the performance of their own farm and how their farm compares to other farmers in the same group is very useful to learn from each other.


After the group sessions, FAVRI shared with the farmers the results of the post-harvest trials that they conducted. Transportation of vegetables by plastic crates proved to give the best results both on product quality and temperature management as compared to nylon bags and carton boxes.


The success of the 2013 season is yet another milestone in developing the vegetable sector of Moc Chau. The Moc Chau district is only a four-hour drive away from Hanoi making it an excellent regional alternative to supply temperate vegetables during the summer months of May to September.

Vietnam flower market scan and flower production visit

HCMC – Royalty Administration International and Fresh Studio executed a market scan of the flower market in HCMC and visited the flower production areas in Da Lat to determine which flower types and varieties are produced and sold in Vietnam.

The insights will be used to advise clients how to develop their products in the Vietnamese flower market.

In HCMC Royalty Administration International and Fresh Studio visited the largest flower wholesale markets (Ho Thi Ky, Dam Sen and Binh Dien), local flower shops and retailers selling flower to get a clear picture of the flower types and varieties sold through these sales channels. It is estimated that around 5 billion stems of flowers are consumed in Vietnam on a yearly basis and most flower are sold through flower stalls at the local markets and local flower shops. The main flower type sold in Vietnam is Chrysanthemum. Old varieties are still mainly sold, but there is an increasing demand in newer varieties with nicer colors and quality.

In Da Lat flower farmers and plant cutting propagators were visited. It is estimated that there is currently 2,000 hectares of greenhouse flower production surrounding Da Lat and this area is still expanding. Most farmers are obtaining their plant material from local propagators. These propagators use tissue culture techniques to produce the initial plant cuttings used for further multiplication. At farmer side and propagator side there is an increasing demand for better varieties, which have higher disease resistance, quality and production. For farmers and plant propagators it remains a challenge to have direct access to new flower varieties.

For more information contact Royalty International Administration or Fresh Studio.Also interesting to read: