CBI and VIETRADE sign partnership agreement

HANOI – Fresh Studio’s client CBI has signed a partnership agreement with VIETRADE for its export coaching program. CBI promotes the export of products from developing countries to the EU market.

On Wednesday 17 September 2013, the Deputy director General of VIETRADE (Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency), Mr. Do Kim Lang, and Country Manager Vietnam of CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries, agency of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Mr. Koos van Eyk, signed a partnership agreement for CBI’s Export Coaching Program (ECP) on the food ingredient sector of Vietnam.

Export Coaching Program
The ECP is developed for ambitious entrepreneurs in countries as Vietnam. The aim of the program is to promote and enhance the competitive position of value added food ingredient products for export to the EU market. The programme is exclusively for small and medium size enterprises in Vietnam and helps companies to define an export marketing strategy, adjust processes and procedures, coach personnel on market requirement and create contacts with potential clients in Europe.

Audits Food Ingredient Companies
Fresh Studio recruited the first companies for the ECP program in the food ingredient sector in early 2013 and during August-September 2013 audited these companies to assess the potential to export their products to the EU market. Next step in the program will be the make an action plan per company after which the actual export capacity building will start.

More information
For more information about the export Programme please visit the CBI website or contact CBI through foodasia@cbi.eu (Subject: ECP Food Ingredients Vietnam).Also interesting to read:

Fresh Studio presenting at Asia Fruit Logistica

Fresh Studio was invited to give a presentation during the business forum of the Asia Fruit Logistica. Fresh Studio’s managing director Siebe van Wijk gave a presentation titled: “Safe food for Urban Asia: Innovations in sourcing and marketing”.

The Asia Fruit Logistica is Asia’s leading trade show for the fresh produce sector. The Asia Fruit Logistica of 2013 attracted more than 6,500 top decision-makers from 64 countries to Hong Kong. For the first time, the team from the AsiaFruitCongress organized a business forum during the fair. Jan Doldersum of Rijk Zwaan (the Netherlands) and Siebe van Wijk of Fresh Studio (Vietnam) were invited to give a presentation about production innovations in Asia.

Jan Doldersum started with a interesting presentation about innovations as “roof top farming in Asia”, “Vertical farming systems” and “Hydroponic lettuce production using LED lights”.

Siebe’s presentation focused on the demand of Vietnamese consumers with regard to safe produce. The results are based on a large vegetable shop census consumer and intercept interviews in Hanoi (for additional information see Vegetable market locations in Hanoi). How the consumer demand can be met by introducing innovations in production, was shown with results of the work of the Fresh Studio R&D team:

  • introduction of greenhouse farming systems with crop lines and rice husk substrate;
  • extensive testing of new higher yielding and higher quality varieties.

In order to capture the demand for safe vegetables with premium prices, Fresh Studio developed a successful marketing campaign in Hanoi supermarkets for a safe vegetable brand. The presentation ended with showing images of this exciting campaign.

Questions from the audience after the presentation varied from “Why did you start Fresh Studio in Vietnam? There would be a big need for such a company in China as well” to “How do you communicate about the appearance of the greenhouse vegetables? If they look too good consumers might start to worry they have not been safely produced”.

For more information about the business forum at the AsiaFruitLogistica, please visit: www.asiafruitlogistica.comAlso interesting to read:

Grand launch of Mekostar at Ocean Mart Royal Hanoi

HANOI – Fresh Studio created, operated and managed the launch of Mekostar, the first brand with guaranteed safe vegetables from Dalat and North Vietnam. The introduction took place at Ocean Mart Thanh Xuan, Asia’s largest underground Retail and Entertainment Complex in Hanoi.

For the grand launch in the flagship store of Ocean Retail group, Mekostar has entered into a marketing collaboration with KOTO. This is an Australian/Vietnamese social enterprise which has a hospitality training center and a restaurant in Hanoi where disadvantages youth are given the possibility to learn and strive in their lives.

Throughout the campaign, KOTO cooks presented several creative recipes with Mekostar products to consumers. Many enthusiastic and interested customers had the opportunity to taste and become familiar with Mekostar. Consumers were educated about Mekostar safe production and quality control protocol that ensures food safety of vegetable every day for Mekostar’s consumers.

Fresh Studio continues several other Mekostar campaigns at different supermarkets in the coming period. Read more about Mekostar by visiting the website: www.mekostar.vn

Also interesting to read:

The Netherlands, Vietnam enhance agricultural cooperation

HANOI – Dutch Deputy Minister for Agriculture Hans Hoogeveen together with representatives of prestigious corporations and companies in the high-tech agricultural sector, such as Greenport Holland, Incotec and Fresh Studio on the occasion of the visit to Vietnam said, “The Netherlands will actively support Vietnam in selecting and growing fruit and vegetables in greenhouse, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, eggplant and kohlrabi.

In addition, the Netherlands will also help Vietnam apply advanced techniques in agricultural production in order to improve Vietnam’s fruit and vegetables.”

Dutch Deputy Minister for Agriculture Hans Hoogeveen also said that Vietnam had a diverse climate. Therefore, the cultivation of many different varieties of fruit and vegetables, especially high quality fruit-trees, such as oranges, tangerines, durians, pineapples, bananas, mango and dragon fruit would meet the demands of both domestic and foreign consumers. He also highly appreciated the efforts of Vietnam in the development of VietGAP-certified products and fruit-vegetable exports to the US, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

“Vietnam has implemented a number of cooperation projects with developed countries and international organizations, such as the US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to research and develop new varieties of fruit and vegetables. However, cooperation between the Netherlands and Vietnam in the near future will help Vietnam access advanced agricultural production techniques in order to improve added value chain for Vietnamese fruit and vegetables,” Hans Hoogeveen said.

Exchanging genetic resources for use in the breeding process; supporting preservation and processing technologies; sharing regional and international market information and experiences in researching and developing fruit-trees will be major objectives of the Dutch-Vietnamese cooperation in the near future.

Read the complete article at Talkvietnam.com


Source: Talkvietnam.com

Language: English

Publication date: August 2013Also interesting to read:

BopInc and partners publishes: A new form of interaction among equal stakeholders

BoP Innovation Center (BopInc) published their fourth publication in a series of 5 about Co-creating BoP ventures – A new form of interaction to develop shared value among equal stakeholders. BoPInc captered their learnings with support of its partners, among others Fresh Studio.

Co-creation is the development of shared value through a new form of interaction between equal stakeholders in an open environment. It allows the development of a more relevant solution through the better understanding of all requirements.

Developing inclusive innovations is an iterative process. Through this process, the value proposition, partnership, market, business and ecosystem need to be developed. In each of these steps during the process, co-creation is the interaction for reaching sustainable social impact, especially when end-users or consumers are the co-creators.

The publication is available through download on the BopInc website

Brochure: The Fruit Republic corporate brochure

Corporate brochure created by Fresh Studio for The Fruit Republic …

+ The Fruit Republic corporate brochure (1,5 MB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Language: English

Publication date: Junly 2013Also interesting to read:

Vegetable market locations in Hanoi

Mid 2012 Fresh Studio undertook a safe vegetable retail census covering 10 urban districts of Hanoi.

We combed every street in these 10 districts in search for outlets claiming to sell safe vegetables. The census included all supermarkets, all convenience stores and all vegetable shops, kiosks and stalls claiming to sell safe vegetables; explicitly communicating rau an toàn (safe vegetables), rau sạch (clean vegetables) and/or rau hữu cơ (organic vegetables).

Our research learned that the total volume of safe vegetables sold through the census outlets (based on collected data of average daily volume sales) represents less than 4% of the total amount of vegetables consumed in Hanoi (based on a per capita consumption of 290gr/day).

Further our research learned that supermarket sales account for around 63% of total safe vegetables sold by the census outlets combined.

Relative share in total safe vegetable sales (%):


The main purpose of the research is to provide a rough overview of the safe vegetable retail distribution in urban Hanoi. The enclosed map provides a snapshot of the safe vegetable retail distribution structure of April 2012. Since then across all categories some outlets have closed down while others have opened. We are currently updating the data and welcome information on newly opened channels and will make an updated census overview available through our website early 2014.

If you want to know more information about this census or if you are looking for more information on the category definitions and about the Hanoi market please contact us.

Fresh Studio speaks at international aquaculture workshop

PENANG – Fresh Studio have spent the last few years building an innovative seafood sourcing system mostly from small scale farmers in Vietnam to supply one of the largest wholesalers in the world.

Therefore, Nicolas Privet, Aquaculture and Fisheries Manager of Fresh Studio, was invited by The World Fish Center to join a workshop in Penang, (Malaysia) to share his experiences and knowledge in connecting small-scale farmers to markets.

This Workshop, part of a GIZ project ‘Pro Poor Business Models for Small Scale Aquaculture’ was intended to further help identify business models and finance options which could deliver positive development outcomes in the growing aquaculture sector. The workshop focused on:

  • Building understanding of the economic, social and environmental case for investments into small and medium-scale aquaculture enterprises;
  • Sharing knowledge of business examples and models for aquaculture investment, particularly among practitioners working with small and medium scale aquaculture and agriculture businesses;
  • Conducting a mapping of the financial and technical assistance landscape for small and medium scale aquaculture enterprises in Asia, identifying gaps and ways of filling those gaps;
  • Developing a shared vision among participants on follow-up action.

Also interesting to read:

Marion Klaver: Social media and how consumers cope with uncertainties of safe vegetables

HANOI – During my Msc Mangement Economics and Consumers studies at Wageningen University I was given the beautiful chance to be part of the Fresh Studio team in Hanoi as an intern.

Choice for Fresh Studio

Having been abroad only within the European borders, I was looking for an internship outside Europe. From within my network, I heard about Fresh Studio in Vietnam. After reading about the company, the contact was quickly made. Within six months I set foot on Vietnamese soil, a choice which I will never regret. Fresh Studio is a very inspiring company, there is an incredible synergy between creativity, well-considered solutions, and the way diverse disciplines work together.

Internship / thesis 

Throughout this five month period I conducted a study about the role social media plays on how Vietnamese consumers cope with perceived uncertainties on safety of vegetables in Hanoi.
The research focused on the following three main questions:

1. In what way do online social networks play a role in the demand for safety of vegetables by Vietnamese consumers?

2. Which alternative information coping strategies may be used with regard to safety of vegetables in Vietnam?

3. What is the impact of online social networks on other coping strategies with regard to information about safe vegetables in Vietnam.

In order to answer the research questions, 1400 surveys with Vietnamese consumers were carried out at shops which claim to sell safe vegetables. This research has resulted in a Msc thesis for Wageningen University. 

Next to my own project, I had the opportunity to work together with colleagues on different marketing and business development projects. Amongst these, two projects carried out in Hanoi, one a safe vegetable retail census and the other a vegetables project with the Dutch school. All projects have challenged me to move away from the comfort of my study books and theories to put my skills into practice.


Doing an internship overseas involves a bit of a culture shock. Not only did I had to get used to the culture of the country (e.g. bargaining in every shop, crowded streets with motorbikes) but even more I had to adapt to a different culture of working. For example my colleagues saw me as their friend instead of as their colleague. So, after work I did spend a lot of time with them at street canteens and bars. They also showed me many places in Hanoi and took me on motorbike road trips to the North of Vietnam. Seeing many places in Vietnam and also Cambodia, I can say I have explored a bit of the way of living and working in a South East Asian country.

Being abroad offers a fantastic opportunity to broaden your horizon; you will experience a process of development that will make you a better and open-minded person. For me, it was an experience that I am sure I will remember for the rest of my life.Also interesting to read:

BopInc and partners publishes: Towards collective impact at the Base of the Pyramid

BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc), together with partners (among others Fresh Studio) capture learnings from the program ‘Three Pilots for Pro-Poor Innovation’ (3P4PPI) in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Vietnam to improve the quality and enabling environment for future pilots. The insights about BoP partnerships are bundled in this third publication.

Successful implementation of inclusive innovations requires strong partnerships across countries and across sectors including companies, social entrepreneurs, BoP actors, NGOs, public authorities and knowledge institutes. Sharing risks, responsibilities, resources and competences with partners is necessary in order to co-create collective impact at the Base of the Pyramid.

A lot has been written on the importance of building strong partnerships that target and include low-income groups. However, there seems to be a lack of experience-based insights that reflect on existing BoP partnerships. This publication gives insights and tools to support organizations in finding the right partners and bringing inclusive innovations that improve the livelihood at the BoP to scale.

The publication is available through download on the BopInc website