Since late 2010, the Fresh Studio aquaculture and fisheries team is working very hard for one of Fresh Studio’s clients to assist them in developing the first professional fresh fish chain of Vietnam.
While for exports the Vietnamese aquaculture sector just focuses on deep frozen export chains for pangasius and shrimp, this chain project focuses on the over 50 fish species which are popular in the domestic market.
The domestic chain is only fresh fish, which requires strict product quality control. During large fish farmer information sessions, widely covered by the Vietnamese tv and newspapers, the targets for the new fish sourcing system were presented. Hereafter an overwhelming number of farmers registered to join the program. Since then over 250 fish farmers have been trained in the required product specifications and good aquaculture production standard. Soon the first supply of fresh fish through a newly developed professional fresh fish processing facility will start.
Fresh Studio has successfully assisted one of the biggest fruit exporters of Vietnam in obtaining GLOBALG.A.P. certification for pomelo.
Our client is a fruit exporting company targeting both the Asian and the European market with a portfolio of Vietnamese fruits. With European retail channels requiring GLOBALG.A.P. our client requested our support for the implementation of the standard at a large number of Vietnamese contract farmers. Fresh Studio’s QA team first trained the QA staff and agronomists of the fruit company in the GLOBALG.A.P. standard. Next Fresh Studio assisted the QA team and agronomists of the client in training the contracted farmers. Given that GLOBALG.A.P. is not yet common in Vietnam, the Fresh Studio team went to great lengths to make the multiple farmers understand the importance of the international quality standard.
Parallel to working with the farmers, Fresh Studio’s QA consultant assisted our client with the development of their internal quality management system (QMS). Although this QMS system had to be developed from scratch and it was a challenge to convince farmers to make the necessary investments like building adequate toilet and storage facilities to comply with the standard, after 6 months of hard work the fruit company passed the GLOBAL G.A.P. audit.
Since 2006, Fresh Studio has been contracted by a Dutch vegetable seed company – one of the world leaders in breeding and distributing innovative high quality vegetable seeds.
After an extensive seed market study in various countries in Asia, our client contracted us to undertake continuous vegetable variety screening trials at numerous locations in Vietnam, including at our own R&D farm.
In addition to these trials, we assisted our client in developing the market for their vegetable varieties in Vietnam through farmer field days, and other small chain projects where we link farmers who grow the high quality vegetable varieties our client sells to vegetable processors, vegetable exporters and supermarket chains.
Striving to improve organic agriculture in all areas from production to consumption in a sustainable manner, our client approached Fresh Studio for assistance in attaining market access for organic vegetables in Hanoi.
We established the food supply chain, by organizing and training farmer groups in business skills beyond cultivation, and linking them to supermarkets in Hanoi.
Using our consumer research, which delivered insights about the perception of organic vegetables, as well as consumer willingness to pay for organic quality, we developed a distinct market proposition for our client.
Our marketing team and in-house design translated the proposition into a complete set of in-store display, packaging and consumer communication materials. To educate consumers on organic quality, we organized an in-store information campaign, including promoters to answer consumer questions on the spot.
Consumers responded enthusiastically to products offered, which were sold out daily. Information about organic practices, in combination with high quality, professionally displayed produce allowed premium price levels while at the same time realizing consumer trust and satisfaction.
Fresh Studio was contracted by GIZ and IDH to develop a Globalgap certified smallholder pangasius (catfish) farmer group in Tra Vinh Province.
Following an expression of interest by European stakeholders to source pangasius from Vietnam, in 2009 a Public Private Partnership (PPP) was initiated to develop more sustainable pangasius production systems that meet European market standards. The public partners in the consortium were the German Developing Agency (GIZ) and the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and from NGO side also WWF Germany and WWF USA participated. A large fish importer and a multinational wholesaler represented the private sector within the consortium. The project targeted its activities to three professional large scale Vietnamese pangasius producers as well as a group of small scale pangasius farmers. (Average 1,5 pond per farms).
For Fresh Studio, the mission was divided into several components. First, we assessed the discrepancies between existing production systems and the GLOBALG.A.P. and ASC standards. Later, Fresh Studio created an Internal Control System (ICS) for the group of small farmers, trained them in the implementation of the ASC and GLOBALG.A.P. standards and assisted them in maintaining their system towards the final audit.
After a period of standards implementation by the farmer group, the 4 first farmers received certification from Control Union for the GlobalGap standard early this year. It is expected that this group will grow and that the best performers among those farmers will be able to apply for an ASC audit. We would like to thank the Tra Vinh fisheries association for all their great efforts to make this project successful.
As the official marketing partner of Zespri International Ltd., Fresh Studio develops and leads the Zespri kiwifruit marketing campaign for Vietnam and the Philippines, taking on the task of developing the brand and ensuring its robust volume growth.
Zespri, is the world’s largest marketer of kiwifruit. Selling in more than 50 countries, it trades more than 30% of total global volume. It continues to expand globally, and has taken significant steps to grow key business regions.
The company, based in New Zealand, has set its sights in Southeast Asia (SEA). This is a region that has performed strongly for the business and aims to further harness an immense growth potential. Two upcoming and exciting markets, the Philippines and Vietnam, form part of its strategic outlook. With their rising economic levels and huge consumption populations, the promise of growth is tremendous.
The value of promotional activities and relationship marketing has had a direct positive impact.
Challenged by the prospect of launching the brand into unfamiliar territory, Zespri recognized the need to have a strong local working knowledge and an approach tailor-fitted to the markets.
Fresh Studio has been tapped by Zespri to bring its marketing and brand expertise in these developing markets – leading the campaigns in the consumer and business development fronts since 2008. Fresh Studio has an extensive market knowledge, local consumer understanding and solid business development experience in these countries. These strengths exploited to effectively develop the product through multiple platforms and prime it for growth.
Both markets are distinctly diverse. Against the backdrop of vast geographical landscapes, each has a different set of established distribution structures and consumer profiles. The kiwifruit, as well, is relatively new to these markets. Therefore, finding the right channels, developing awareness about the fruit and the brand – all play a big role if a successful foray in these countries is to be achieved. Within this context and backed by its strong local market experience, Fresh Studio developed an integrated marketing and business development campaign.
Fresh Studio’s strategic approach is three-fold:
1) Publicity through Media 2) Consumer Engagement in the grassroots, and 3) Customer Development activities targeting Zespri business clients.
With several key marketing initiatives in place, Fresh Studio continues to drive the brand in both markets – through product launches and sustained exposure in various PR & Media channels, consumer promotions across grassroots selling channels, and business development activities geared towards direct Zespri partners.
The value of promotional activities and relationship marketing has had a direct positive impact.
From a product that has been experienced by consumers as unfamiliar, the kiwifruit category has increased awareness and recognition – with Zespri being top of mind among consumers in the kiwifruit category.
In distribution, penetration is always key. Fresh Studio’s marketing and development team has worked hard to develop this. As a result, Zespri is now the established and highly preferred brand among the most important distribution channel players in the Philippines and Vietnam.
With Fresh Studio leading the respective country campaigns, the volume growth of Zespri in these markets has been equally impressive. The marketing activities have significantly driven and contributed to the double-digit year-on-year sales growth since 2008. Further still, the business outlook for both countries remains consistently positive and upbeat in the long term.