Paper: Avocado in Vietnam. Value chain development beyond donor support

HANOI – Numerous initiatives implemented by international donors in Vietnam aiming for elevation of rural communities out of poverty, predominantly focus on farmers.

Paper contents:

Authors: S.C.O. Wertheim-Heck, P. Quaedackers, Nguyen Trung Anhb, M.S. van Wijk

1. Introduction

1.1 VCG literature in relation to the case under study

1.1.1 Global value vs. local value chains for pro-poor development
1.1.2 International lead firm vs. local lead firm
1.1.3 The role of the retail in relation to a new product introduction

1.2 Donor practices: Short term impact vs. long term business sustainability

1.3 The VC development facilitator

2. Case study – Avocado Value Chain Development in Vietnam

2.1 Methodology

2.2 Background

2.3 Participatory value chain analysis

2.4 Focus beyond farmers

2.4.1 Farmers
2.4.2 Collectors
2.4.3 Traders
2.4.4 Modern urban sales channels

2.5 The identification of a traditional trader as ‘lead firm’

2.6 Incorporation of the consumer perspective

2.7 Step by step approach

2.8 Results

3. Discussion: sustainable success: despite of or thanks to the differences?

3.1 Recommendations for further research

+ Avocado in Vietnam (306 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio

Publication date: April 2010Also interesting to read:
