Reputation risk for clean and safe vegetables from Dalat

Dalat is an important region of high-quality vegetable production in Vietnam. The adaption of standardized methods and modern cultivation technologies by farmers in Dalat has led to the successful growth of clean and safe tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbages which are larger than the average size of vegetables. But is bigger always better?

Despite the successful growth of clean and safe vegetables, farmers and traders in Dalat encounter difficulties finding buyers for their production. Most Vietnamese consumers associate unusual large fruit and vegetables with products from China. Consumers are unable to distinguish high-quality vegetables from Dalat over Chinese vegetables, which lead to falsely accusing distributors of selling Chinese products.

This misconception of Vietnamese consumers is caused by the fact that a wide variety of Chinese produce (e.g. carrots, cabbage, potato, garlic, and ginger) is available in larger sizes compared to local produce and their quality and safety is often front-page news.

The suspiciousness of consumers creates a paradox for fresh food production form Dalat; the oversized products, produced by means of standardized methods and modern technology, are sold at lower prices than those of lower quality.

According to experts, the solution to this paradox is that Dalat high-tech produce growers should join forces to introduce these ‘giant’ products to consumers countrywide with the results that consumers will no longer mistake them for Chinese fruits and vegetables. “Growers should frequently launch programs to promote their products. It’s a pity that large Dutch-beef tomatoes are mistaken for Chinese tomatoes,” advised our representative of Fresh Studio in Dalat, adding that this proves that the promoting channels for Dalat produce should further improve.

This advice was supported by agriculture expert Le Huu Phan, who urged Dalat farmers to take immediate action to educate consumers across the country about their high-quality produce. “This should be done soon to prevent the reputation of Dalat vegetables from being damaged”.

Read the original article at:

Fresh Studio consultants attended a CBI seminar on market intelligence and ICSR

For strengthening the partnership between CBI and Fresh Studio in implementation of export coaching programs (ECP) in Vietnam, two consultants of Fresh Studio attended a seminar on updated ICSR and the use of CBI market intelligence database from 28-29 January 2014 in the Hague, the Netherlands.

The seminar was organized by the center for the promotion of imports from developing countries (CBI), an agency of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The seminar provided insights on how the CBI market intelligence database is used for EU market research. Moreover, the participating experts were updated on international corporate social responsibility (ICSR) standards that are required for businesses that have the ambition to export to EU markets.

More importantly, the participation of over 30 experts from 24 different developing counties across the globe from Asia to Africa provided good opportunities for the participating experts to update and share their experience in implementation of CBI programs in their own countries, and establish their networking for future information and experience exchanges.

This type of CBI seminar is an effective platform for the experts from developing economies to be updated on ICSR developments and sharing experiences on the implementation of CBI programs across sectors and countries.

Presentation CBI CSR training in the Hague: Open as PDF (5,21MB)

Potato trials planted in North Vietnam and the Central Highlands

As part of a project of NAK AGRO to strengthen the Vietnamese seed potato production sector Fresh Studio is carrying out potato trials in North Vietnam and in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

Potato is an important crop in Vietnam of which the current annual demand is surpassing the annual produced volume. One reason for this is that the established seed potato production sector in Vietnam is not well-organized. This results in poor availability of good quality potato seeds for farmers, which in the end is limiting the current potato production potential in Vietnam.

Since 2011, NAK AGRO is implementing a project in order to strengthen the Vietnamese seed potato production sector. As part of this project local authorities are trained in the production and inspection of seed potatoes. To support these training activities and to identify potential potato varieties to produce in Vietnam, Fresh Studio is performing potato trials in North Vietnam and the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The potato varieties will be harvested in 2014.

Fresh Studio honoured as Best Innovative and Sustainable Company of the Year

The Belgium, Luxemburg and Dutch chambers of commerce in Vietnam, organized the joint BeNeLux Business Award on the 14th of March to encourage the development of local best practices, promote collaboration, and recognize the performance of companies and individuals.

Fresh Studio proudly received two Awards for “Best Innovative Company of the Year” and “Best Sustainable Company of the Year”. A five headed jury including the CEOs of DHL Vietnam, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and several professors from leading business schools, selected Fresh Studio as winners, with Philips and Akzo Nobel as runner-up’s in second place in respectively the “Best innovation” and “Best Sustainable” categories. The jury selected Fresh Studio because of its enormous contribution to make the agriculture sector in Vietnam more professional, more sustainable and more profitable.

During the award ceremony the Fresh Studio director stressed the importance of agriculture feeding the current 88 million Vietnamese, providing jobs for 60% of the population and playing a key role in the world market with products such as rice, coffee and fish. He further thanked the Fresh Studio clients, partners, staff and farmers, who have made it possible for Fresh Studio to make its contribution to the Vietnamese agriculture sector.

BeNeLux Business Awards 2014:

Best Company of the YearDe Heus
Best Start Up Company of the YearDobla and Vietnammm
Best Innovative Company of the YearFresh Studio
Best Sustainable Company of the YearFresh Studio
Best Manager of the Year (senior)Mr. Gabor FluitGeneral director De Heus

Fresh Studio’s recent developments:

  • Creating awareness for the future of Vietnamese markets in urban areas Tìm hiểu thêm
  • Improving the life of people in rural areas by value chain development Tìm hiểu thêm
  • Promoting and enhancing the competitive position of value added food ingredient products from Vietnam for export to the EU market Tìm hiểu thêm
  • Co-organizing Dairy Dialogue initiative to develop dairy zones in Vietnam Tìm hiểu thêm


Fresh Studio speech during opening of exhibition ‘Stories of markets’

With its history of establishment and special and unique culture, Hanoi was in the past named Kẻ Chợ. Markets exist, develop and change along the rhythm of life of the capital city.

Many markets in Hanoi now only exist in people’s memories as they have been turned into commercial centers or disappeared but markets are still present as part of the history and culture of Hanoi and are essential for each family.

The Exhibition “Stories of Markets” shared with visitors memories of old markets, real situation of present markets and expectations for future markets through archive photos and diverse and multi-dimensional voices from people, sellers and buyers. During the opening of exhibition ‘Stories of markets’Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Director Marketing and Business Development Fresh Studio presented her perspective on the development of markets:

“First of all Fresh Studio would like to thank the Vietnamese Women’s Museum for the invitation for collaboration to jointly and with shared passion prepare this exhibition. 

My organization, Fresh Studio, has the mission to make safe and good foods available to consumers in Vietnam. With markets dominant in food, and in particular fresh food, distribution, we are pleased to be able to contribute to an exhibition that puts the past presence and future of markets center stage.

Living in Vietnam for over 7 years I have followed the developments of multiple markets. To me markets are like the soul of the city. Markets represent the Vietnamese love for food and the social cohesion in communities. It is at markets that not only daily foods are purchased, but also where people meet and greet and stories are shared. It is essentially within this meaning beyond economic transactions of goods and money, that markets are a unique retailing concept that can’t be compared with so called ‘modern’ supermarkets and convenience shops.

Indeed, markets face challenges in meeting the safety and hygiene requirements of modern times, but as this exhibition so beautifully demonstrates, markets are not static. They transform over time. Currently markets in Vietnam are on the crossroad for future development. When looking ahead it is important to appreciate their past and present meaning in everyday life.

We hope you all enjoy the exhibition and wish that it inspires the sharing of stories and thoughts on markets, ranging from childhood memories to contemporary anecdotes and suggestions for future development.

Thank you.”

+ Download speech in PDF (75,6 KB)


Source: Fresh Studio, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck

Language: English

Publication date: March 2014

Read more about the exhibition ‘Stories of Markets’:

Exhibition “Stories of Markets” at the Vietnamese Women’s Museum in Hanoi

Value Chain ‘travel workshop’ program for Cao Bang delegation

For local policy makers from Cao Bang province, Fresh Studio organized a program from Dalat to the Red River and urban Hanoi. This program, organized as a workshop aimed at value chain development and the specific role of policy makers in this matter.

With the aim of improving the life of people in rural areas, Lux Development supports the IFAD funded Developing Business with the Rural Poor (DBRP) program. This program assists local Cao Bang authorities in value chain development and their specific role therein. One of the objectives is to enable local authorities in taking an active role in the development of value chains for Cao Bang products targeting urban markets like Hanoi. This requires that local authorities understand the meaning of value chains.  In particular, when working with perishable products it will be vital to understand how and where in the chain the ‘added value’ can be created. Important points for consideration are:

  • How is the added value shared?
  • How is Quality Assurance arranged?
  • How is added value marketed to whom and by whom?
  • Who is the chain leader?

Fresh Studio was approach by LUX Development for assistance in strengthening the knowledge of value chain development and creating a deeper understanding of implications and organisations of value chains.

Building on extensive experience with value chain development in Vietnam, Fresh Studio organised a ‘travel workshop’ program focusing on strengthening the knowledge and understanding of Cao Bang policy makers on value chain development in a practical and structured way.

Traveling along a value chain from Dalat to the Red River Delta and urban Hanoi, from production to consumption practical examples were combined with background information. This enabled the participants to translate the lessons learned to their own Cao Bang development context.

The program was completed with a classroom workshop that specifically addressed the structure and organization of value chains. Moreover it enabled the active sharing of lessons learned and ideas in developing value chains for Cao Bang products.

Business recruitment for CBI – Food Ingredients Export Coaching Program

Fresh Studio collaborated with Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (Vietrade) and the Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) to recruit small and medium businesses to participate in the CBI Food Ingredients Export Coaching Program (ECP).

The goal of ECP in Vietnam is to promote and enhance the competitive position of value added food ingredient products from Vietnam for export to the EU market. The Vietnamese businesses selected for the ECP are trained and coached to formulate their export marketing strategies, adjust production processes, improve personnel capacity on the requirements of European markets, and establish business relationships with potential clients in Europe.

For effective recruitment, Fresh Studio consultants cooperated with Vietrade officials to search and select food ingredient businesses who meet ECP selection criteria. These potential ECP companies were then invited to attend the conference entitled “EU Export Coaching Program – Food Ingredients Vietnam” in Ho Chi Minh City last 20th December 2013. The conference was aimed to introduce the objectives, requirements ad stages of ECP to Vietnamese food ingredient businesses. Over 100 business representatives attended the event.

Currently, over 20 applications have been submitted. These applications will be reviewed and pre-selected by CBI for pre-auditing and auditing in order to gain insights into the companies’ current export strengthens and weaknesses. CBI will accordingly select the most suitable businesses for the next steps.Also interesting to read:

NAJK study tour visits Fresh Studio

NAJK, a Dutch association for young farmers, organized a study tour through Vietnam in which agriculture and food security are the central topics. On the 25th of November they visited Fresh Studio in HCMC to discuss these themes.

A delegation of young farmers visited Vietnam with the aim to develop a better understanding of Vietnam, the agricultural sector in particular and the challenges young farmers are facing here. The study tour focused on food security, the global context and the role agriculture plays within this issue.

The delegation visited Fresh Studio in HCMC where Mr. René van Rensen, R&D Director Crops of Fresh Studio, presented the mission of Fresh Studio to grow better lives from farmers to consumers. He shared insights into Fresh Studio’s work on how vegetable sourcing systems were developed in the Central highlands and North-Vietnam.

There were numerous questions of NAJK related to the challenges regarding agricultural production and food safety, which producers are facing in Vietnam and the differences compared with the Netherlands. René stated that the main challenges in Vietnam are: small scale agricultural production systems and the fragmented market. In the 7 years he has been working in Vietnam he has seen improvement, by better cooperation within agricultural supply chains and the increasing level of production of agricultural products. However, there is still a lot to achieve in Vietnam regarding production levels, food safety and sustainability.

Read more about the complete study tour of NAJK from day-to-day (in Dutch): click hereAlso interesting to read:

IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers

Fresh Studio launched the IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers. The pilot software has two main elements and is developed using the agile software development methodology. An online demonstration of the system is available soon.

1. Agriculture Helpdesk

Allows agronomists and farmers to digitally access information about pests and diseases, crop protection products, and other main agriculture practice documentation.


  • Access better farming techniques that ultimately will improve production of safe vegetables in quantity and quality.
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) built up, capturing tacit knowledge which will ease the work of agronomists in the future.
  • Able to provide targeted trainings based on the main FAQ.

2. Extension support
Allows agronomists to digitally report on visits to farmers. Currently reporting is done on paper with a number of unnecessary repetitions of work for agronomists and management.


  • Avoid double entry of work which allows agronomists to spend more time in the field and thus dedicate more time to advise farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to agronomists for better planning of visits to farmers and advice on actions to take for farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to farmers about on-farm implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Optimize computation and analysis of field visit reports

Đối tác của thực hiện dự án:


Hi-World is an IT software development company based in Hanoi, Vietnam. A team of programmers worked closely with the team of Fresh Studio on requirements, development and testing of both the web-based application as the mobile Android application which will be launched next month.


The BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) accelerates the number and impact of inclusive innovations in low-income markets. Inclusive innovations serve the demand of the poor and create shared value for all stakeholders involved. BoPInc incubates these innovations, shares learnings and improves the enabling environment.
www.bopinc.orgAlso interesting to read:

Fresh Studio promotes Vietnam Dairy Dialogue initiative

HANOI – The dairy sector in Vietnam has developed progressively over the past decades with an annual increase of over 10% in terms of both milk production and herd size. In order to create a long-term sustainable development of the sector, innovative approaches and multidisciplinary joint-efforts are required.

Fresh Studio, on behalf of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, organized the first dairy dialogue titled “Vietnam Dairy Sector Dialogue – towards sustainable farming development” on December 4 in Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. The event aimed to assemble all main actors of the Vietnamese dairy sector around the table in order to find common ground to work together on how to further increase the quantity of locally produced milk while giving full considerations to quality and sustainability issues. 

The dialogue attracted over 50 dairy actors ranging from milk processors, governmental departments and other key stakeholders as input providers and research institutions.

For sustainable development of the dairy sector in Vietnam, both Mr. Vu Van Tam, the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Mr. Joop Scheffers, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Vietnam, emphasized the importance of the Vietnamese dairy dialogue. These presentations were followed by two keynote speeches: an overview of the Vietnamese dairy sector by the deputy director of Livestock Department of MARD, and the challenges for sustainable dairy sector development by Fresh Studio’s Senior Agriculture Consultant, Vo Van Phong.


fresh-studio2Mapping the challenges for Sustainable Dairy Development in Vietnam
Speaker: Mr. Vo Van Phong
Fresh Studio
Download: English Tiếng Việt

This first dialogue has produced fruitful results. All attendants acknowledge the need for a regular Vietnam dairy platform to discuss the challenges stakeholders face when working on sustainable solutions. Therefore, an interim steering committee, led by MARD, and three technical working groups have been established with allocated members and preliminary tasks. The steering committee and the technical working groups will work together on the agreed topics during the next six month after which the second dialogue will be held. FrieslandCampina Vietnam has agreed to organize this second dairy dialogue in June 2014.


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