IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers

Fresh Studio launched the IT extension support system for agronomists and farmers. The pilot software has two main elements and is developed using the agile software development methodology. An online demonstration of the system is available soon.

1. Agriculture Helpdesk

Allows agronomists and farmers to digitally access information about pests and diseases, crop protection products, and other main agriculture practice documentation.


  • Access better farming techniques that ultimately will improve production of safe vegetables in quantity and quality.
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) built up, capturing tacit knowledge which will ease the work of agronomists in the future.
  • Able to provide targeted trainings based on the main FAQ.

2. Extension support
Allows agronomists to digitally report on visits to farmers. Currently reporting is done on paper with a number of unnecessary repetitions of work for agronomists and management.


  • Avoid double entry of work which allows agronomists to spend more time in the field and thus dedicate more time to advise farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to agronomists for better planning of visits to farmers and advice on actions to take for farmers
  • Faster feedback looping to farmers about on-farm implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Optimize computation and analysis of field visit reports

Đối tác của thực hiện dự án:


Hi-World is an IT software development company based in Hanoi, Vietnam. A team of programmers worked closely with the team of Fresh Studio on requirements, development and testing of both the web-based application as the mobile Android application which will be launched next month.


The BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) accelerates the number and impact of inclusive innovations in low-income markets. Inclusive innovations serve the demand of the poor and create shared value for all stakeholders involved. BoPInc incubates these innovations, shares learnings and improves the enabling environment.
www.bopinc.orgAlso interesting to read:

Fresh Studio develops a dairy farm monitoring system

HANOI – ‘I am impressed to see how FrieslandCampina has worked successfully with local farmers to increase the production of fresh milk in Vietnam.’

Locally produced fresh milk now makes up 19% of national milk production,’ international cooperation minister Ben Knapen said yesterday after visiting a model farm and a milk processing plant in southern Vietnam. Both are owned and managed by FrieslandCampina.

Dairy communities
FrieslandCampina aims not only to boost production, but to develop ‘dairy communities’, Mr Knapen was told. Through education and training, the company has already helped 3,000 small farmers meet quality and sustainability standards, and collaborate with arable farmers who produce animal feed. FrieslandCampina organises the collection, processing and distribution of milk throughout Vietnam: from grass to glass – no mean feat in such a large country.

Fresh milk
The average farmer in Vietnam has 10 cows. Farms are generally many hours drive from the nearest milk factory, which supplies some 120,000 shops. Fresh milk is not easy to come by in Vietnam. Three-fourths of all milk products are made from imported raw materials, like milk powder. Demand for fresh milk products far exceeds supply. So FrieslandCampina is working with Heus, Wageningen University and Fresh Studios to increase fresh milk production by setting up ‘dairy development zones’.

From aid to trade
Mr Knapen’s visit to FrieslandCampina concluded his visit to Vietnam. He was interested in how the shift from aid to trade is being made. The Netherlands will end its bilateral development relationship with Vietnam at the end of this year (which year?), in favor of an economic relationship built on the knowledge and experience gained from development co-operation, and the expertise of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation.

At the end of his visit, Mr Knapen flew to Tokyo where he will attend the World Bank Group’s annual meeting.

Source: www.rijksoverheid.nlAlso interesting to read:
