DAKADO Campaign in Hanoi

HANOI – After the success of the avocado promotion campaign in HCMC in 2007, Fresh Studio and its project partners expanded the avocado campaign to Hanoi.

In the North, the campaign took place in ten stores of the FIVI-Mart supermarket chain and in the two METRO Cash & Carry stores. This campaign took place in addition to the ongoing DAKADO promotion efforts in METRO Cash & Carry stores and Saigon Co.Op Mart supermarket chain in HCMC.

The campaign in Hanoi was complicated because Dak Lak Province is almost 3 days drive away. To guarantee the quality, the new DAKADO trays were flown in daily between Buon Ma Thuot and Hanoi.

As last year in HCMC, Hanoi consumers reacted very positively to the first ever marketing campaign for a domestic fruit. Both METRO and Fivi-Mart saw their avocado sales increase almost tenfold. Many consumers could not believe that this product was from Vietnamese origin, as they had never seen such a professional presentation for a Vietnamese fruit.

This year’s campaign was a design based on the experiences of last year, and from desires expressed by several consumer focus groups. During focus group sessions, Fresh Studio’s Sigrid Wertheim-Heck and Ha Thi Viet Phuong discussed with representative consumer panels their perceptions of the use of brands for fresh produce in Vietnam.

Also interesting to read:

Fresh Studio invited speaker at the World Potato Congress 2009

CHRISTCHURCH – The organization of the World Potato Congress 2009 invited Siebe van Wijk to present about creating value chains in Asia.

This conference is visited by 500 key players of the potato industry each year. The 7th World Congress will be in Christchurch, New Zealand from the 23rd until 25th of March 2009. For more information about the conference visit: www.wpcnz.org.nz

Also interesting to read:

Construction started on the first avocado fruit packing house of Vietnam

DAK LAK – Provincial avocado wholesaler, Ms. Nhon, is one of the key players in the successful DAKADO chain. She has begun the construction of the first avocado packing house of Vietnam.

This new warehouse will enable Ms. Nhon to significantly increase the sourcing volume of avocados which meet the DAKADO quality standard. Ms. Nhon made the decision to invest in this warehouse after the Fresh Studio team assisted her in making a business plan.

Ms. Nhon received further financial support from GTZ and METRO Cash & Carry to invest in the packing house, but the majority of the investment is her own.

Also interesting to read:

Column: Boer zoekt kwaliteit

HANOI – De ministers Frank Heemskerk en Bert Koenders zijn deze week met veertig ondernemers in Vietnam en houden een dagboek bij voor het FD.

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Source: Financieel Dagblad (FD)

Language: Dutch

Publication date: March 2008

Changing mindsets key to overcoming Asia’s supply chain challenge

BANGKOK- Changing the mindset of the key people in the Asian fresh produce supply chain is the major challenge for companies seeking to apply solutions to the problems currently facing the industry. That was the standout message from the final session: ‘Case studies from the Asian fresh produce supply chain.’

As Siebe van Wyk of Fresh Studio Innovations Asia noted, many Asian producing-countries face challenges with rapid expansion of growing areas, multiple smallholders, lack of market information and price wars. The parties in the supply chain are typically focused on their own competitiveness rather than that of the overall chain. Fresh Studio is focused on shifting Asia’s produce trade from this traditional product chain scenario to a “value chain” where traders, farmers and retailers form a strategic alliance that focuses on the competitiveness of the overall chain.

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Source: AsiaFruit Magazine

Publication date: September 2007Also interesting to read:

Exciting Vietnamese consumers with the best avocados from Vietnam

DAK LAK – Fresh Studio and several local partners are implementing a two year program to professionalize the avocado agricultural sector of Vietnam.

The best avocados in Vietnam come from Dak Lak Province, where about 250,000 avocado trees are grown. After an extensive supply chain analysis, all actors in the avocado sector were brought together and an action plan was developed.

One of the main activities was the creation of a consumer awareness campaign to grow the domestic market demand for avocado. Another important activity was to create a higher quality avocado, and to determine an introductory label (DAKADO) which would later be harnessed as a real brand.

In a unique cooperation with Vietnam’s largest supermarket chain, Saigon Co.Op Mart, and Vietnam’s largest wholesaler, Metro Cash & Carry, the avocado sector will present itself to Vietnamese consumers through the ‘Discover the magic of avocado’ campaign. This campaign will run from the 23rd until the 29th of July in the stores of Vietnam’s largest supermarket chain, Saigon Co.Op Mart, and from the 9th until the 16th of August in the stores of Metro Cash & Carry Vietnam.

The avocado is relatively new in Vietnam, and consumers are not yet familiar with the fruit’s nutritional value and uses. For example, few know that the avocado contains more than 14 vitamins and minerals, almost as much protein as milk.

In Co.Op Mart stores in Ho Chi Minh City, special avocado promotion teams will inform consumers about the magical values of avocado, and inspire consumers to discover new ways of preparing avocado through presenting versatile recipes, and offering taste-tests of the Dak Lak variety. To demonstrate dishes made with avocado, the campaign in METRO’s An Phu store in August will include a cooking demonstration by a professional chef. For one week consumers in-store will discover the ‘magic avocado brings to your kitchen, your health, your beauty’ and of course, to nature.

This consumer campaign is part of the not-for profit project titled ‘Development of an avocado value chain from Dak Lak province’ (DAKADO for short). The DAKADO project aims to create a supply chain which will deliver Dak Lak quality avocados to Vietnamese consumers, while resulting in improved benefits for all actors involved in the chain. To achieve this goal, the DAKADO project team facilitated a dialogue between farmers, collectors and traders, which resulted in a cooperative agreement to ensure high consumer quality, through improved avocado harvesting and post-harvest operations.

Now, for the first time in Vietnam, avocados will be harvested in a professional way, transported with care, packed in specially designed trays, and labeled with the DAKADO logo. In the coming eighteen months more improvements will be made – avocado cultivation training programs and cold storage experiments will be implemented. The potential for avocado processing (avocado oil, for example) will be assessed. In 2008, the DAKADO label will be further developed into a consistent quality brand.

The DAKADO project is funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development within the framework of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Program of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and GTZ. The project follows a so-called ‘value chain’ approach. This means that strategies have been developed for all stages in the chain, from planting avocados to eating avocados. The DAKADO work is carried out by the Center of Science and Technology Application (CSTA), the Western Agriculture Research Institute (WASI) and Fresh Studio.

For more information about the project and avocado facts please visit : www.dakado.vnAlso interesting to read:

Fresh Studio seeks to create value chains in Vietnam

HANOI – Siebe van Wijk of international consulting, R&D and trade company Fresh Studio reports on its efforts to create value chains in Vietnam by profiling two key initiatives with local producers.

Vietnam is booming. In recent years, the country has ranked as Asia’s second fastest growing economy after China. Its entry to the WTO last year has opened the door to record high foreign direct investment in many sectors. With Vietnam’s commitment to allowing 100 per cent foreign-owned investments in the retail sector by 2009, many companies are looking to tap into the large consumer market of over 85m people. But opening its markets also means more competition.

One area where Vietnam is feeling the heat from competition is in the horticulture sector. An influx of products including carrots, potatoes, onions and tomatoes from China and durian and mangosteen from Thailand are threatening Vietnamese
farmers in their own backyard. With its 20 skilled professionals and two offices in Vietnam, Fresh Studio is working to transform the country’s traditional fruit and vegetable distribution channels into more dynamic value chains. The key difference is that firms that participate in a value chain – farmers, traders and retailers – form a strategic alliance which focuses on the competitiveness of the overall chain and not just on their own short-term profit.

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Source: AsiaFruit Magazine

Publication date: July 2007

Also interesting to read:

Creating value chains in Vietnam

HANOI – Vietnam is booming. For many years, Vietnam has been the second fastest growing economy after China. Entrance to the WTO recently has opened the door to a record high number of foreign direct investment in many sectors.

Committed to allowing 100% foreign owned investments in the retail sector by 2009, many companies are looking to tap into the large consumer market of over 85 million people. But opening its markets also means more competition. One sector where Vietnam is feeling this competition is in the horticulture sector. Chinese carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, Thai durian and mangosteen threaten Vietnamese farmers in their own backyard.

Value chains
With its twenty talented professionals and two offices in Vietnam, Fresh Studio® is busy transforming traditional fruit and vegetable distribution channels into more dynamic value chains. The key difference is: firms which participate in a value chain – farmers, traders and retailers – form a strategic alliance which focuses on the competitiveness of the overall chain and not just on their own short term profit. Firms in a value chain realize that they need each other to be successful, if one fails, everyone in the chain is hurt. They are aware that they are interdependent, and they are driven by consumer demands.

Fresh Studio® is currently implementing value chain projects for a wide range of fruit and vegetables including avocado and watermelon for both the domestic and export market. A common factor in all these projects is that they align all crucial chain actors: seed companies (eg. Rijk Zwaan), crop protection (eg. Syngenta), farmers, traders, transporters, packaging companies, finance (Rabobank), modern wholesalers (METRO Cash & Carry) and retailers to create win-win situations for all involved.

One of the first modern distributors to see the potential in Vietnam was METRO Cash & Carry. Since 2002, they have invested US$ 200 million dollar and opened eight large stores in key locations of Vietnam, with more stores planned for the near future. Within four years, METRO has become the largest wholesaler of Vietnam. Fruits and vegetables are important for Metro. With no professional supply companies present in Vietnam who can control the quality from field to fork, METRO decided it needed to meet consumer demand for safe food.

To do this successfully, METRO Cash & Carry, requested Fresh Studio® to develop a project for a new vegetable sourcing system which would assure quality and food safety. A key element of the project was to be as close as possible to the farmers. To achieve this, METRO is investing in a fresh distribution centre (DC) in the heart of Vietnam’s premium vegetable growing area, Dalat. Since this project will play a key role in linking small farmers to modern retail chains, the investment is co-funded by a special public-private partnership program of the Dutch government.

Because of its high altitude (1000-1600 m), sunny weather and availability of water, Dalat has a suitable climate for the year round cultivation of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. We strongly believe that Dalat has the potential to become the main year-round vegetable supply area for urban Asia. The Vietnamese government is also realizing this, and is upgrading the airport in Dalat and the road to HCMC, Vietnam’s eight million population mega city.

Being present in this unique production area allows METRO to source directly from farmers, instead of working with a long chain of collectors and traditional wholesalers. METRO can now procure traceable vegetables in the cold chain within one hour after harvesting. To assure food safety and quality, Fresh Studio’s quality-assurance specialist trains the METRO staff in preparing the DC for HACCP certification. At the same time pre- and post-harvest specialists of Fresh Studio® are developing cultivation protocols (good agricultural practices) for every key vegetable required by METRO. Farmers will be selected, trained and monitored to ensure that these GAPs are met. An extension system will be developed to support farmers in increasing their productivity, quality of the vegetables and meeting basic food safety standards.

Fresh Studio® is also busy setting up a small experimental farm to test the newest vegetable varieties in close cooperation with leading vegetable seed companies. The experimental farm will be used to demonstrate the GAPs, and to showcase value-adding technologies to local farmers.

The project will first focus on meeting the surging demand from METRO stores in Vietnam. Down the line, it will be possible to export directly from Dalat to METRO stores and clients in other countries.

Fresh Studio® is also developing an avocado value chain. Avocado is a relatively new product in Vietnam, where the majority of the Vietnamese consumers are not yet familiar with the product itself, its nutritional values and its uses. When consumed, avocados are currently used mainly as an ingredient for fruit shakes: the well known “Sinh To Bo”.

The Vietnamese Avocado is grown in one of the most important coffee production areas of the world, Dak Lak Province. At first coffee farmers in this area only used avocado trees as windbreakers and shade trees. In the past five years though, Vietnamese consumers and traders have slowly begun to discover avocados. Prices have increased, and farmers have responded by developing very small avocado orchards (10-100 trees). We estimate that currently about 250,000 avocado trees are cultivated in Dak Lak Province and in the main season about 200 tons of avocado per day are sold in the domestic market.

A special rural development program of the German and Vietnamese government which wanted a market based intervention strategy, requested Fresh Studio® to develop a master plan to upgrade the avocado sector of Dak Lak. With 20 percent of Vietnamese children less than five years of age being under-developed for their age, avocado is seen as attractive product which can bring cash to farmers, and at the same time provide Vietnamese consumers and poorer farming families with healthy nutritious food.

The master plan, which was developed by Fresh Studio® and the Dak Lak Centre for Science and Technology Application focused on developing the local market demand for avocado, introducing an avocado quality label and improving the very basic local production, post harvest, packaging and transport system.

Fresh Studio® marketing specialists have developed a consumer awareness campaign. The market demand is expected to grow substantially, once consumers become more aware of the value avocados offer for health and beauty. It is anticipated that the ‘Discover the magic…’ campaign will seduce consumers into trying new ways of enjoying avocados, both as a fruit and as a vegetable. Saigon Co.Op Mart, the largest Vietnamese supermarket chain and METRO Cash & Carry are partners in this campaign. Cooking demonstrations and special avocado promotion teams will inform Vietnamese consumers in the stores during special avocado weeks, which are expected to attract media attention.

Besides creating more demand, close cooperation between farmers, collectors and traders has been organised in order to produce a higher quality avocado. The focus is on quick wins in harvesting and post- harvest operations. We introduced new and simple avocado harvesting tools; developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for harvest and post-harvest operations; developed more homogenous avocado batches consisting of the same maturity levels; piloted with cold storage and improved packaging solutions.

To enable these high quality avocados their identification in the market, an avocado quality label was introduced, named DAKADO (see www.dakado.vn). In the coming year, this label will be further developed into a brand, and will be ‘institutionalised’ through the formation of a marketing board, which will use a levy to fund market development and R&D.

Introducing new concepts and approaches requires a passion for fresh produce and an alliance of collaborators who can act and think creatively. Successful examples lead the way and bring the whole F&V sector of Vietnam to a higher level.Also interesting to read:

Trade opportunities for seasonal fruit in Asian markets

HANOI – Fresh Studio is a multinational consulting, R&D and marketing development company in Asia which collaborates with growers and their suppliers towards the realization of added value to joint projects.

The company has offices operating in several Asian countries, servicing customers recognized worldwide. One of Fresh Studio´s Managing Partners will feature as a speaker at the Asiafruit Congress and Asia Fruit Logistica.

“Fresh Studio observes Asia as the consumer market that is fast becoming the biggest in the world. Here, largest part of the world’s population is living and where most of the economic growth is concentrated. This provides many opportunities for growth and especially for trade,” says Van Wijk. One of the interesting conclusions Fresh Studio notes, are trade opportunities arising from seasonal differences between Asian countries.

Another development that deserves attention is the increased interest in food safety and responsiveness to branding, which is starting to have an enormous impact on sales. Asian consumers display a curiosity to discover new products. They have high esteem for products from Australia, Europe, Chile and South Africa. Fresh Studio works within these areas, looking to create value, improve efficiency, and develop premium products and processes in the entire value chain to create uniqueness for its clients, and to provide consumers with an enjoyable and reliable food experience. This way, Fresh Studio intends to become the most recognized initiator and developer of unique value chains, and an accelerator of innovations adopted by the fresh food industry in Asia.

It will become more important for companies exporting to Asia to be based in Asia itself and to be close to the consumer, benefiting from the cheaper labor costs. In addition, much of the R&D talent will be Asian. Asian populations are young, agricultural universities are full, and people are eager to learn. International companies show more and more interest in selling fresh produce to Asia, and to deploy domestic market research.

At the Asiafruit Congress, Fresh Studio will present how it aims to convert product chains into value chains. The majority of fresh produce trade in Asia involves product chains, competing on price alone. By using some of its projects as examples, Van Wijk will illustrate what Fresh Studio is doing to transform these into value chains.

“We really like to invite investors from Europe to come investigate what is happening in Asia, to see and experience the amazing developments taking place. After such a trip, serious entrepreneurs will not hesitate to enter the Asian market,” concludes Van Wijk.

Also interesting to read:

Fresh Studio anchors commitment to Vietnam

HANOI – Irmen Mantingh of Fresh Studio Vietnam reports on Vietnam’s developing fruit and vegetable sector and the company’s activities in this burgeoning economy

The best avocados in Vietnam come from Dak Lak Province, where about 250,000 avocado trees are grown. After an extensive supply chain analysis, all actors in the avocado sector were brought together and an action plan was developed.

One of the main activities was the creation of a consumer awareness campaign to grow the domestic market demand for avocado. Another important activity was to create a higher quality avocado, and to determine an introductory label (DAKADO) which would later be harnessed as a real brand.

Vietnamese agriculture has risen to remarkable heights since the government liberalised the sector from state control following a spate of crop failures that led the country to the verge of famine in the 1980s.The incumbent’s Doi Moi reforms (open door policies) redistributed land to growers and gave rise to a farming renaissance that has seen rice production soar and producers turn their hands to a raft of “new” commodities.

From a country haunted by food shortages, Vietnam has become one of the world’s largest exporters of crops like black pepper (world’s biggest), coffee (world’s second), tea, rice, cashew and rubber. The agriculture sector contributes 20 per cent to the GDP (ADB, 2004) and total agriculture export turnover reached US$5.8bn in 2005 (up by 29 per cent on 2004). Around 60 per cent of Vietnam’s total labour force depends on agriculture.

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Source: AsiaFruit Magazine

Publication date: June 2006Also interesting to read:
